What do you think the odds are that my dog's Luxating Patella will not need surgery?

He is a 7 year old pug that now stays on the floor because of his knee. He goes outside but hates the steps. Been going on for a couple of months.He has had 2 exams. The first one we said we would watch it. The second he put us on antiinflamitories…

    What do you think the odds are that my dog's Luxating Patella will not need surgery?

    He is a 7 year old pug that now stays on the floor because of his knee. He goes outside but hates the steps. Been going on for a couple of months.He has had 2 exams. The first one we said we would watch it. The second he put us on antiinflamitories…...
    General Dog Discussions : What do you think the odds are that my dog's Luxating Patella will not need surgery?...

    • What do you think the odds are that my dog's Luxating Patella will not need surgery?

      What do you think the odds are that my dog's Luxating Patella will not need surgery? General Dog Discussions
      He is a 7 year old pug that now stays on the floor because of his knee. He goes outside but hates the steps. Been going on for a couple of months.He has had 2 exams. The first one we said we would watch it. The second he put us on antiinflamitories to see if that helps, if not I guess he goes in for surgery.

      What do you think the odds are that my dog's Luxating Patella will not need surgery?

      What do you think the odds are that my dog's Luxating Patella will not need surgery? General Dog Discussions
    • he will need it. It will be tough for him for about a week or so but in the long run it will greatly increase his well-being and will make his life much easier. just make sure the dr. diagnosed it and ur not guessing.

    • First you need to see a vet to find out how bad it is. As far as treatment if teh vet says it is mild then it may be left alone to heal. But most forms need surgical repair to deepen the groove or realign teh tendon attachment to help straighten the leg. Please consult a vet about this. From an exam and history they will be able to tell you what is best for your dog's condition.