will walking my dog on pavement help his claws?

Hi all, I've recently been to the vets with my dog, apparently with his claws being black, the vet refused to trim them. Would an alternative be to walk my dog on pavement? Hes mostly on grass, but would pavement have a fast effect on his claws? They are…

    will walking my dog on pavement help his claws?

    Hi all, I've recently been to the vets with my dog, apparently with his claws being black, the vet refused to trim them. Would an alternative be to walk my dog on pavement? Hes mostly on grass, but would pavement have a fast effect on his claws? They are…...
    General Dog Discussions : will walking my dog on pavement help his claws?...

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    • will walking my dog on pavement help his claws?

      will walking my dog on pavement help his claws? General Dog Discussions
      Hi all, I've recently been to the vets with my dog, apparently with his claws being black, the vet refused to trim them. Would an alternative be to walk my dog on pavement? Hes mostly on grass, but would pavement have a fast effect on his claws? They are getting pretty long.Thank you kindly for your advice, much appreciated.

      will walking my dog on pavement help his claws?

      will walking my dog on pavement help his claws? General Dog Discussions
    • If your vet wouldnt even trim nails, Id find myself a new vet immediately.Yes walking on pavement can help keep a dogs nails trim, but you can also run the possibility of burning up their pads if youre doing too much on cement. I suggest you just trim the dogs nails yourself.

    • I would get another vet! If they're not capable of trimming a dogs nails - even black ones - what else are they unwilling to do. That's crazy. My vet absolutely does trim black nails and when I asked what they do - they just take a little off at a time. It takes longer - but they would never turn us away. Groomers are a good alternative and many will grind the nails down vs. cutting them. Walking on concrete takes a lot of walking to grind down the nails - but will eventually work - but it's not fast. I would suggest going to a groomer and having them trim then grind the nails down.

    • i would say change vets ... tons of dogs have black nails and if the vet or tech can not cut black nails, that is seriously a joke ... walking on pavement will wear down the nails a very small amount, running and playing on pavement would do more ... but if the dog's nails are that long, take the dog to a groomer or cut them yourself ... i do get that black nails are more difficult to cut cuz the quick can't be seen, but that is when the tips are snipped off on a regular basis to make the quick recede till the nails are a proper length ...

    • Some dogs do fine with just walking on pavement but sometimes they also need to be clipped. Three if my dogs have dark colored nails and I still clip them and have never clipped them too short. Usually I just clip off small bits at a time to be safe and I file the nail when I'm done so they aren't Sharp. There's this nail file made for dogs that has a file that spins so you grind the nail down and it won't hurt the dogs nails. I'm not sure what its called but I'm sure you can look it up.

    • Pavement helps, as does sand and gravel. If you are worried about cutting into the quick, then get some sandpaper nail files and file a little every day. My dog has black nails and while I did cut them when she was a puppy, then I haven't had to do so in years because she wears them down naturally.Also, I've never heard about a vet refusing to trim nails. If your dogs nails are so long that they need cutting now, then go to another vet or take your dog to a groomer.

    • What sort of vet will not trim a dogs nails because they are black? Answer...a hopeless one!I am not a vet and both my dogs have black nails. I clip their nails myself every 4-5 weeks. I don`t have a problem with it, and neither do many dog owners.But yes, walking on the pavement "may" help wear down your dogs nails a bit, but it all depends on how much exercise he gets on concrete. It`s not an ideal solution though. It will not be a fast solution.Take your dog to a competent dog groomer or another vet to get his nails done properly and ask them to show you just how to do it yourself in the future. Good Luck.More info.>>>>http://www.google.co.uk/webhp?source=search_app#hl=en&sugexp=les%3B&gs_nf=3&cp=17&gs_id=1w&xhr=t&q=clipping+a+dog's+nails&pf=p&output=search&sclient=psy-ab&oq=Clipping+a+dogs+n&gs_l=&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&fp=aa4e9656384d9063&bpcl=38897761&biw=853&bih=435

    • first, find a new vet. So what if the claws are black? They still need trimmed. I trim my dogs black claws on a regular basis. Nails need trimmed.A groomer can help trim his nails.Pavement helps keep them worn down, but only if the dog is on pavement for a significant amount of time daily. Im talking at least an hour or two every day. I wouldnt rely on this as a method of trimming claws that are already too long tho.

    • As the others have said- you have an incompetent vet. If they can't trim nails I certainly wouldn't trust them with my dog's life.Whether your dog's nails will wear down naturally depends a lot on your dog, it's activity, it's size, it's weight, and it's breed. A heavy large breed dog is more likely to wear nails down because there is more weight to put pressure on the nails. A small dog doesn't have the weight to push down on the nail and wear it down.Certain breeds are more or less likely to wear nails as well, depending on their stance.I have an American Bulldog, for example, who puts the pressure on her pawpaw and not her toes, so her front toenails are really long. You're better off going to a groomer and having your dogs nails trimmed professionally

    • Yes, walking on pavement is the primary way dogs claws are worn down. If your vet won't trim your dogs claws because they are black, you could call groomers in your area. They're trained to trim claws of both coloration. Alternatively, find another vet. When I went to a puppy school run by our vet, I was surprised on the night of 'how to trim your dogs nails' that they picked my pup to demonstrate. He has black nails and usually he's a ball of energy and won't sit still... trust him to make himself the model pup when food was on the line though (he looked like he was enjoying the manicure/pedicure)

    • No walking on the pavement does not help. Sorry people, but I would take my dog for a walk everyday and it did not keep them worn down especially in the winter time. I had to take her to the groomers because her claws were black they are cheaper then the vet.