Do you walk across the road if you see a big dog coming towards you not on a lead?

I do, lol

    Do you walk across the road if you see a big dog coming towards you not on a lead?

    I do, lol...
    General Dog Discussions : Do you walk across the road if you see a big dog coming towards you not on a lead?...

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    • It depends on the dog's body language. So far I haven't met one that had body language that told me that I was in danger, so I usually bend down and offer my hand for a sniff and then check for a collar and tags.Our friends thought we were crazy because on vacation a couple of years ago there was a Rottweiler running loose through our campground. I was standing at the end of the trail that lead to the spot where we went to the bathroom waiting for my husband and heard some rustling in the woods to my left and when I looked over there was a 100lb Rottweiler running at me. I knelt down and held out my hand and she started licking my face. We were able to get her into our truck and took her to the vet on the island because the only tag she had was a rabies tag. He knew her (it is a small island in the middle of Lake Michigan...everyone knew everyone) and was able to contact her owners. They decided that they didn't want her any more because she kept getting out and had snapped at the husband when he was trimming her nails. We ended up convincing the vet to take her to a rescue in MI. When we left he was on the same boat with her in tow headed to the rescue. :) I am glad that we were able to help, because otherwise she would have been put down. We wanted to take her, but were in a pet free apartment at the time and had no where to keep her until we found a place she could live with us. She sure was a sweet beautiful dog!

    • When I am out with my Shih Tzu Oscar ,He will take on anything Pit Bulls, Rottweilers ,I am mentally watching around me all the time in case one appears that he can wind up ,A further post was right ,Ankle snappers ,My Daughters German shepherd is a P.....y cat compared to my little shih Tzu

    • No dont be silly. I have a Gt Dane x Rottie and a Doberman as well as a terrier. When people see me in the woods with them they do sometimes take a wide berth. Dogs dont scare me Its the owners you need to watch out for haha.Maybe as I have 2 large breed dogs I am used to them. Dogs smell fear. If you look above their line of view you are not sending out any sense of challenge to them.

    • I hate questions like this as i have a bullmastiff x rottie who is 5 months old and nearly 5st and a rottie x gsd which is another large breed, i have also fostered large breeds that had turned a bit funny.... why is this because of human neglect...Why do people always pick on the big dogs???? They say dogs are this and that especially the giant breeds like my mastiff x yet they will leave a cat in a babies room and forget about the possibility of smothering........sorry to harp on just gets to me......and NO i would not cross the road.