is it ok 2 feed our cat tuna fish every day?

not had cat very long (he's approx. 6 yrs old) just seems 2 have gone right off his food lately apart from his biscuit treats. my wife gave him a tin of tuna this morning and he could'nt get enough of it

    is it ok 2 feed our cat tuna fish every day?

    not had cat very long (he's approx. 6 yrs old) just seems 2 have gone right off his food lately apart from his biscuit treats. my wife gave him a tin of tuna this morning and he could'nt get enough of it...
    General Dog Discussions : is it ok 2 feed our cat tuna fish every day?...

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    • is it ok 2 feed our cat tuna fish every day?

      is it ok 2 feed our cat tuna fish every day? General Dog Discussions
      not had cat very long (he's approx. 6 yrs old) just seems 2 have gone right off his food lately apart from his biscuit treats. my wife gave him a tin of tuna this morning and he could'nt get enough of it

      is it ok 2 feed our cat tuna fish every day?

      is it ok 2 feed our cat tuna fish every day? General Dog Discussions
    • actually any type of fish is bad for a cat. it causes stones in their kidneys or bladder. yeah, they do you love it though. not to different from people loving drugs, smoking, drinking or gambling.

    • NO NO NO!!!! This is soooo bad for your cats! I actually read up on this a few weeks ago. Cuz I had no cat food left and had to give my cats something, so I gave them a can to share...then I was freaking out at work cuz i thought i'd killed them lol...but they say as a treat...every once in a while is okay...but DO NOT feed as a meal lacks the very essential nutrients they need to survive...i would seriously reconsider this very soon!

    • It wouldn't hurt your cat cat but you need to start giving it regular food again because if you don't he won't eat any other food and if he is hungary enough he'll eat it. Plus, hard food makes his teeth strong and hard and also give him nutrients and enery to do things!*Hope it helps!!!*

    • Well, cats do love tuna. It has a lot of sodium in it. That isn't good for cats. It isn't fortified with vitamins and stuff, so it isn't as good for them as cat food. My sister fed all of her cats tuna for years. The cats are all doing fine. My sister passed away, but her husband still feeds the cats tuna. They are healthy cats. It may shorten their life in the long run due to the nutritional balance, but if your cat won't eat tuna would be better than nothing. Maybe you could mix it half and half with cat food.

    • no definitely not! it doesnt have enough nutrients in it. cut out the biscuit treats and he will be more hungry and will eat his regular cat food. if he doesnt eat it just take it away till its time for his next meal dont offer him anything else he;ll eat when hes really hungry!!!