my dog is urinating and drinking constantly also panting heavily any suggestions to what is wrong?

my dog is urinating and drinking constantly also panting heavily any suggestions to what is wrong?

    my dog is urinating and drinking constantly also panting heavily any suggestions to what is wrong?

    my dog is urinating and drinking constantly also panting heavily any suggestions to what is wrong?...
    General Dog Discussions : my dog is urinating and drinking constantly also panting heavily any suggestions to what is wrong?...

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    • Like almost everyone else says, this sounds like a kidney problem or diabetes. The only sure way to know is to take your dog to a vet sooner rather than later. Hope it is ok!

    • As mentioned by everyone else above - take him to the vet immediately.It could be so many things that they all can't be listed here.Diabetes and Kidney problems are only the obvious ones, there are many things that can cause a dog to pant - and the panting can cause the increased need for water - and the water of course causes increased urinating. But there are many things that would cause increased water comsumption all by itself.When this happened to my rottie, the doctor looked at her and said it could be several things - he tested for 6 things and then diagnosed her. And even after we knew what it was there were two causes possible. Only a vet can help you with this.Because you noticed that your dog is acting differently is a good indicator that you care - keep it up and take him to the vet - but be prepared for some $ for testing.Good luck.

    • I would be lying if i could tell you exactly whats wrong but i could give you a few ideas:A kidney infection or dehydration which ever one it is it needs to be treated by a vet asap, as it could potentionally be fatal.

    • It is possible that your dog is diabetic. Signs include heavy drinking and urinating. I would consult a vet who can do the relavent checks and advise on medication etc.