Worried Abougt Giving My Pregnant Bitch An X- Ray?

My Lillte lady is due to pup (or pop lol) this weekend and the vet has suggested givig her an x- ray to be sure of how many she is having as she is very large and it's her 1st litter. I have always known x-rays to be bad for pregnant women so why would…

    Worried Abougt Giving My Pregnant Bitch An X- Ray?

    My Lillte lady is due to pup (or pop lol) this weekend and the vet has suggested givig her an x- ray to be sure of how many she is having as she is very large and it's her 1st litter. I have always known x-rays to be bad for pregnant women so why would…...
    General Dog Discussions : Worried Abougt Giving My Pregnant Bitch An X- Ray?...

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    • Worried Abougt Giving My Pregnant Bitch An X- Ray?

      Worried Abougt Giving My Pregnant Bitch An X- Ray? General Dog Discussions
      My Lillte lady is due to pup (or pop lol) this weekend and the vet has suggested givig her an x- ray to be sure of how many she is having as she is very large and it's her 1st litter. I have always known x-rays to be bad for pregnant women so why would it be different for my dog? I would prefer her to be scanned instead but was wondering if anyone had any experience with them having X- Rays. Also would she have to be sedated for the X- Ray?Sensable advice please I'm just curious. ThanksHard Times who in the hell do you think you are giving me abuse I have thought long and hard about breeding from my bitch as I want one of her puppys to carry on the line I am not some back yard breeder we are haveing her fixed after this litter not that it is any comcern of yours.I was simply asking because I have always READ (doing reasearch before breeding) that vets scan the bitch not X- ray even my friend who is a VET thought it was strange as he has always opted to scan.So please take your idiotic opinions and waste them elsewhere Asshole!@ my: Thanks for the info I did all my reasearch through books rather than the net as I've had to have it fixed (dogs aye lol).When I saw the vet he said my dog (she is a English Bull Terrier) is one of the few that may have a difficut birth as he birthing canal is quite narrow. When my friend saw her he said going on her size he would hope that she is having a large litter rather than large puppys as she will need a C section. The vets are all poised and at the ready just in case.I think I'll pop her in tomorrow and get it done. Thanks for the info xxHi Magy yes definatly I do need to know how many are in there so I know if she is going to have a relitvely easy birth as it's her 1st. I was really just wondering if she was as at risk as we humans are with having x- rays whilst pregnant. As I was just curious afer all you don't find many dr's advising fully term woman to have x -rays do you? I know it's different in dogs.As i said I'll pop her in tomorrow.Emily S: This site isn't a chat room it is a Place to ask and answer questions and descover new things!

      Worried Abougt Giving My Pregnant Bitch An X- Ray?

      Worried Abougt Giving My Pregnant Bitch An X- Ray? General Dog Discussions
    • it is safe dont worry we do it all the time.. breeders will get it done so they know how many pups to expect... it is so the vet knows if any pups dont come an to give you a rough estimate if she can pass the pups becuase they may be to big to pass.. it is a good idea.. good luck with the whelping

    • OK me would not have it done one reason being you will see how Meany she has when the time comes i always see vets just take your money for the reason that you love your pet and money is no object when it comes to his/hers health i think you will have enough to pay out when there born so hang on to your Penny's for the things that really matter later

    • After doing research online (we bred our dog, too) I read the same thing about "last-minute" xrays (from plenty of different sources). The xray is used to determine the number of puppies (count skulls, not spines) and even more importantly their size. Apparently this is an important tool to help determine whether a c-section will be necessary. I think we will opt for the late term xrays as I would prefer to plan the c-section (if it's necessary) rather than have an emergency c-section while she's in labor. I think it's a question of assessing risk (yes, I'm sure it's not fantastic for the puppies to be xrayed but neither is an emergency c-section/difficult delivery). I'd recommend talking it over with your vet and you can decide what's best for you & your "Little Lady."

    • There is little risk in her having this done. An xray is far more accurate to determine how many pups are in there over a scan- you should know this, esp. if it may be a big litter, to be sure all the pups are passed..For people, the riskiest time to have xrays is the first trimester- your dog is well past that, the pups are about fully formed- the benefits outweigh the risk. Trust your vet. -xray techAfter your addition- actually, YES, full term pregnant women DO have xrays if needed- sooner than that too, if their Doctor determines the minimal risk outweighs the good that will come from xray. The vets in my area rec. xrays towards the end of the dogs' term- common practice here in the Northeast (know because I have had a few litters myself, my friend works in rescue and the group uses diff. vets in part due to where the foster homes are located- they often have pregnant bitches come to them). Again, scan not as accurate for size or # of pups- but it is your dog, up to you- use your discretion. i for one would do it- but it's up to you. ASK the vet about the risks- they are minimal indeed for one view, one time.

    • Forget the xray before the pups are due. They are OFTEN inacurate and more times then not pups are missed hiding behind one another etc.. Just let her have them and then once you feel she is finally done, THEN take her in to make sure she is empty. I never do either unless I am really uncertain. Once I think they are done, then I give an ocitocin shot and if I am comfortable that there is nothing left in there, then I do nothing. The LAST place you should be taking a pregnant bitch is to the vets office in my opinion. This is a place where SICK dogs are plentiful.. You are putting your bi tch and her pups at a huge risk taking her in there unecessarily. Forget it for now and go after IF you feel you need to.