Euthanizing your dog, would you stay or go?

Until last November I have never been in the situation where I was called on to make the decision. Our vet suspected DCM or another heart problem had scanned her and was waiting for the result from a cardiologist. Becca rapidly deteriorated and was…

    Euthanizing your dog, would you stay or go?

    Until last November I have never been in the situation where I was called on to make the decision. Our vet suspected DCM or another heart problem had scanned her and was waiting for the result from a cardiologist. Becca rapidly deteriorated and was…...
    General Dog Discussions : Euthanizing your dog, would you stay or go?...

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    • Euthanizing your dog, would you stay or go?

      Euthanizing your dog, would you stay or go? General Dog Discussions
      Until last November I have never been in the situation where I was called on to make the decision. Our vet suspected DCM or another heart problem had scanned her and was waiting for the result from a cardiologist. Becca rapidly deteriorated and was rushed to the emergency vet at 3:30 am, the day after she came home. The vet said she was in heart failure and needed to be pts, did I want to stay?Yes I wouldn't leave her and no I wanted it not to be happening and be able to take her home. After signing the form I carefully put her on two pieces of soft vetbed to make her comfortable, gathered her up in my arms and the vet administered the injection. It was over so quickly and very peacefully for Becca. (The two gasps of breath after she died where awful and stayed in the front of my mind for ages afterwards)Would you choose to stay with your dog or leave?

      Euthanizing your dog, would you stay or go?

      Euthanizing your dog, would you stay or go? General Dog Discussions
    • Had to do it twice so far and stayed both times. It sucks, but I just can't imagine turning my back and walking out on my dogs when they're not feeling well. They would be so confused to see me leaving them, I don't think I could live with the guilt.

    • I've never had to be in that situation, I imagine it would be extremely difficult, but I think I would stay to be there for a valued pet. After all, a dog is often a family member, so they deserve not to be alone.

    • I stayed with my 16 year old chocolate lab when we had her put to sleep. It was the worst day of my life, however I couldn't be selfish...She wouldn't have been comfortable with anyone else except me. I think you did the right thing.

    • Back in 2005 I had to have my poodle put down (she was a better friend than I ever deserved) I was 19 and she went into kidney failure and I had to make a choice. I decided she had fought all she could so when it happened I stayed. I felt my heart break that day and a part of me die with her when she took her last breath. But I wasn't going to leave her because she never would have left me in a time of need. I miss her and it has affected me staying with her but i couldn't not have stayed.

    • i dont have the heart to watch my beloved pets i would not stay...i just wouldnt want to see them die...i dont have the strength to do itpeople may think that i am evil for saying i would go...but i just wouldnt be able to handle this...its making me want to cry to even think of loosing my babies...even though i know its enevitable to lose a petEDIT: i am getting thumbs down for not being strong enough to watch my much loved animal die? okaywhy would i put my dog through anguish because i know i would be too emotional and too hysterical to go and be with him...i would be stressing him out and then he would not go peacefully

    • I stayed with my cat when I had her put to sleep. It was soooo sad. I am sorry for the loss of your pet. You did the right thing staying with her. It was probably a comfort to her.

    • I would stayI had to have one of my cats pts some years back and i wouldnt have dreamed of leaving her with just strangers for her last momentsIts heartbreaking but you have to do it for them just so they know you are there