Am i doing the right thing?

Three weeks ago my dog had a sore neck and was limping so took him to vet. Vet said it was prob a sprain and advised rest and pain killers. Vet said if it was no better in 2 weeks he would xray him. Well he did get better although not 100% then yesterday…

    Am i doing the right thing?

    Three weeks ago my dog had a sore neck and was limping so took him to vet. Vet said it was prob a sprain and advised rest and pain killers. Vet said if it was no better in 2 weeks he would xray him. Well he did get better although not 100% then yesterday…...
    General Dog Discussions : Am i doing the right thing?...

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    • Am i doing the right thing?

      Am i doing the right thing? General Dog Discussions
      Three weeks ago my dog had a sore neck and was limping so took him to vet. Vet said it was prob a sprain and advised rest and pain killers. Vet said if it was no better in 2 weeks he would xray him. Well he did get better although not 100% then yesterday he chased a cat in our garden and came in crying in pain and wouldnt lift his head much. He settled eventually but last night later on he came to me howling with pain and he comes to me to do something about it but i couldn t do anything.Anyway this morning he seems ok but i made an appointment for him to get xrays but hubby says that it is a waste of money as the vet will not be able to do anything anyway.We do have insurance but the excess is £100 and the xrays and past treatment are going to be about £200 all in.Hubby says that the dog is a wimp - which is true - he is a rescued greyhound but i just feel i need to do something for him. Plus he is to get a full anaesthetic which will really frighten him. What would you doIt was the vet who said to try pain killers first not me and the dog is booked in to have xrays under anaesthetic tomorrow but hubby is not happy.

      Am i doing the right thing?

      Am i doing the right thing? General Dog Discussions
    • dogs don't howl and limp becasue they are whimps. Hubby is an arse hole for saying that.Has he had a hydrocortison injection and pain killer yet? Then an Xray would be sensible...if the vet did not bother Xraying my dog who was in pain I would be wanting to know why! and if you like, go to a second vet. It sounds like money is an issue, but your dog needs you to act, so wait until bully hubby is at work (or at his mums - that's where mine would be if he talked to me like that) and get it sorted at the vet. They will let you pay a bit each week.The anaesthetic will not frighten the dog. It is only frightening to you! The dog will be fine. Do what your vet says. Good luck - I know it isn't easy. Your doggy needs your help and love!

    • Ok,first of you should never call your dog a wimp if hes in pain! your the loser for saying that.& second dont you think your should take him to the vet if hes in that much pain? think about it... & since your hubby said its a waste of money to take him to the vet,maybe you should say that to him the next time he needs to go to the doctor!

    • You're husband is an idiot. Dogs can not speak to let us know where they hurt. You have to watch their actions. Get your dog some help. Cut back on expenses somewhere else, maybe your husband's beer bill, or feed him pasta and rice for a month. He should be ashamed of himself.

    • You are doing the right thing. I don't care what your husband thinks or says. It would be wrong of you if you didn't take the dog to the vet to see what is going on. Don't have second thoughts about doing what you know is the right thing to do. I wish your dog all the best & I hope everything works out for him!!! Ask your hubby if he was in severe pain and went to the doctor & the doctor reccomended xrays, would he have it done!!!

    • first off you should got xrays right away upon first vet check your dog injury could be far worse now because of it cost shouldn't be an issue my god would you said that about your son or daughter. my pets are my babies just like my human children i get them vet checked and needles up dated. and when feeling down or hurting off to the vets and i push for full check over not "here take this pills and call me in a week"a wimp god you don't desire a pet with that atitude

    • Your dog needs the x-ray and your husband needs to learn some compassion. Dogs feel pain just the same as we do and neck injuries hurt! Just ask anyone who's been in an accident. If the dog is feeling better, ask the vet if he really needs to be put out for the x-ray. Sometimes, if the dog is cooperative, it isn't needed but if he panics, it's the the best thing. Either way he really needs it.

    • It can take several months for a wound or sprain to completely heal. You can get the xrays for good measure, but you will need to keep your pet settled down and keep it from re-straining for a while during the complete healing process.Next time your husband gets a strain, sprain, or a pulled back muscle, remind him not to whine, only wimps do that. (eh,eh)Whining doesn;t mean the pet is a wimp, it shows a sign of pain, and attention is needed.

    • leave for a couple of days sounds muscle tear our dog has had similar things happen spending the money to be told rest and time will heal an injection can ease pain but mainly just so they can charge u a fortune

    • Take your husband to the vets and have him put down. Take the dog to the hospital and have him xray'ed.Seriously, for a dog to be in pain. its gotta be something worth looking into. I would take to the vets and get him checked out again. even if its gonna cost £1000, don't you think its worth it!.When you buy a dog, you don't just purchase a piece of property, You Adopt a living animal and have the duty to look after it and keep it in good health.. If you cant afford to take the dog to the Vets, look into returning the dog to the rescue home you got him from..."dogs are not replacements for children,they are much more important than that"

    • I also have an adopted Greyhound.. and they are sooks...But never the less please take the dog to the vets.. They run so fast and cannot stop sometimes and run into things and hurt themselves..He may have put his neck out or even cracked a vertebrae. or put his shoulder out. You could of course take the dog to a dog manipulator( they rub down the greyhounds)and quite often better than Vets.and far cheaper.We always used to take our Whippets to them before shows and 9 times out of 10 there would be something out of alighment.Because of running around the yard chasing one another and bumping themselves.I hope this helps..The anaesthetic will not frighten him .. he will not know anything about it..Dog should not really need to be put to sleep for xray unless he is a very active excitable dog.. Greyhounds are lounge lizards.Hope he is ok.. don't let him chase the cat anymore..Good luck....:)

    • for peace of mind take him to the vet it may be something serious i know vet bills are expensive but for a neck problem there isnt much u can do without the proper diagnosis as far as being a whimp i think not he is in pain and thats the only way he can communicate to u.

    • Your dog is in pain, regardless of what hubby says, it is your duty to the dog to do your best for him, he could have a trapped nerve or even a cracked vertebra in his neck, you need to find out. My hubby told me repeatedly not to pay for pet insurance, ''you will never need it, it's a waste of money" well if I had listened to him we would have had to fork out £400 a few weeks ago when one of my dogs was bitten by a snake and had to be on a drip overnight at the vets, so you go with what you think is right and get your dog x-rayed.Good Luck.

    • You obviously have your dog insured for this exact reason.So if bills run into hundreds of pounds you have no worries,right?£100 is all you are going to have to pay in the long run.Dogs don't make pain up, although some are more sensitive to pain than others.I used to have a dog that used to do the same thing. A twist in the wrong direction would make him scream with pain & he would hold his head down.Turned out he had arthritis.Now he has tablets for it & has no problems at all.Maybe your dog has had an injury at some time in his previous life & suffers the effects of it now.A full anesthetic will not bother him at all because he won't remember a thing when he comes round.Tell your husband it is your duty to care for this rescued dog properly & that includes making sure he has veterinary care.Next time your husband has a cold & is whining tell him he is a wimp!Good luck & I hope you soon find out what is causing your dogs pain.