What is my dog possibly sick with?

My dog has excessive panting. Even when he sleeps he pants. He drinks ALL the time, and he is always drooling but it isnt regular saliva, its verrryyy watery. None of that is normal so i'm wondering what he might be sick with. Anybody have any…

    What is my dog possibly sick with?

    My dog has excessive panting. Even when he sleeps he pants. He drinks ALL the time, and he is always drooling but it isnt regular saliva, its verrryyy watery. None of that is normal so i'm wondering what he might be sick with. Anybody have any…...
    General Dog Discussions : What is my dog possibly sick with?...

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    • What is my dog possibly sick with?

      What is my dog possibly sick with? General Dog Discussions
      My dog has excessive panting. Even when he sleeps he pants. He drinks ALL the time, and he is always drooling but it isnt regular saliva, its verrryyy watery. None of that is normal so i'm wondering what he might be sick with. Anybody have any suggestions..?

      What is my dog possibly sick with?

      What is my dog possibly sick with? General Dog Discussions
    • It can be a lot of things. But my dog did the same thing when he had liver cancer. But there are many other symptoms. It could be anything. Take him to the vet ASAP, you shouldn't waste any time

    • Ideally you needed to state the age and what type of breed you've got, as some breeds have common particular inherited diseases. Best to take it to the vets