My dog is sick, how can I help her?

I have a one year old labrador, and she's got an alarmingly high temparature, we've seen the vet who gave her some tablets to take but how do I cool her down in the mean time?She has seen the vet! What I mean is that I want to make her comfortable until…

    My dog is sick, how can I help her?

    I have a one year old labrador, and she's got an alarmingly high temparature, we've seen the vet who gave her some tablets to take but how do I cool her down in the mean time?She has seen the vet! What I mean is that I want to make her comfortable until…...
    General Dog Discussions : My dog is sick, how can I help her?...

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    • My dog is sick, how can I help her?

      My dog is sick, how can I help her? General Dog Discussions
      I have a one year old labrador, and she's got an alarmingly high temparature, we've seen the vet who gave her some tablets to take but how do I cool her down in the mean time?She has seen the vet! What I mean is that I want to make her comfortable until the tablets start making a difference.

      My dog is sick, how can I help her?

      My dog is sick, how can I help her? General Dog Discussions
    • Usually a baby aspirin but you need to ask your vet in case it can interact with whatever she gave her. Also, you may want to get a towel and put lots of ice in it and lay her down and put the towel with ice on her body.

    • take your dog to another vet because thats feber, and feber means infection,so becarefull and tell your vet to do some exams because something is grong with your lab.....In the mean time you can put alcohol on his armpit and his paw... Vet assistent......!!!!

    • sorry to here your dogs poorly !!!!all you can do is try and keep her near the door so there is air blowing in ,or you could use a fan if you have one .also try putting a cold wet cloth on her head .hope this helps if not i think you should contact the vet .............hope she gets better soon !!!!!!

    • Remeber that dog's don't sweat.Keep a cool damp cloth (not wet) nearby and pleanty of fresh water at room temperature. Cold water can aggrevate their stomachs when they are ill.

    • Why didn't you ask the vet this? You need to call them back before you do anything potentially harmful...she's a dog! She can't tell you if what you're doing is working or not...

    • OH MY GOD SOME OF THESE ANSWERS!If it was me, I treat my dog as my boy so, keep her in a cool dry comfy place without irritation, cool damp flannels padded over body as you would a child and if you haven't already done it turn off you heating, if any humans get cold they can put on a jumper easier. Clean fresh water available. If she wants to get up and walk about let her, she knows her body better than anyone.(oh and dogs sweat from their tongues!)Hope this helps

    • NO ASPIRIN!!! she's SICK - U don't want to make her even More Sick! a damp rag wiped on her belly, where the hair is thin, will help; a cool damp rag on her head may help her feel a little better too. wring it out in cool water, lay it on her skull, and take it off to dip again when it gets warm. medical alcohol dabbed on her PADS, the hard soles of her feet, will evaporate, and also help her cool. make sure she stays HYDRATED - that's keep offering her fluids. Pedialyte is a safe alternative to plain water, but offer it BESIDE, not 'instead of' water. take her temp every 30 mins or so;if it's EVER more than 102.5, go to the vet's!! at 104 degrees F, dogs can start to seizure; this is potentially FATAL, especially if she already has a fever. seizures interrupt blood circulation, and damage the brain; they can also injure the liver, kidneys, and heart. if her temp is 102.2 during the day and into the evening, consider leaving her at the vet's for an overnight; having a pro monitor her will keep her safe. FEVERS TEND TO RISE AFTER 10 PM - so if in doubt, the vet's is the safest place, and earlier is safer than a late-night emergency!! the vet may need to put her on an IV overnight, to help her fluid level and keep her organs working. and BTW: Dogs Do NOT Sweat!!, except on their feet: their pads sweat when they are freaking out, not to cool them down. that's what panting is for: cooling! :)