just found really bad injured cat what should i do?

just come home to find cat under my car, really badly injured looks like he/she been in fight with dog, ear bad gone small and hard swollen and really bad gashes to head, what should i do?

    just found really bad injured cat what should i do?

    just come home to find cat under my car, really badly injured looks like he/she been in fight with dog, ear bad gone small and hard swollen and really bad gashes to head, what should i do?...
    General Dog Discussions : just found really bad injured cat what should i do?...

    • just found really bad injured cat what should i do?

      just found really bad injured cat what should i do? General Dog Discussions
      just come home to find cat under my car, really badly injured looks like he/she been in fight with dog, ear bad gone small and hard swollen and really bad gashes to head, what should i do?

      just found really bad injured cat what should i do?

      just found really bad injured cat what should i do? General Dog Discussions
    • If the cats got no collar with name on and its in a pretty bad way you may be best off taking it to the vets, at least they can have a good look at it and clean it up proparly.Thank goodness it found you, some people arent so kind, good luck x

    • Take it to a shelter to get worked on quickly and make sure its healthy. Does it have a collar? Are you interested in keeping it? The only bad thing about shelters is they'll only keep them for a few days before they kill them, so don't save it and then leave it to die in the shelter.

    • Is there a veterinary emergency service near you? if so than taking the cat there is your best option. if you know if the cat has any owners then you should contact them. but a vets office would be able to help you. if you dont want to tak ethe cat to the vet then i would call the humane society or spce to see if they have someone who could come get it or if you could take it there. be careful if you do handle the cat because you dont know its vaccination history.good luck

    • OMG please... Please help it.Wrapp it in a towel, put it in ur car and bring it to the vet...It could be to serious for u to handle.I care very much about cats and i hope u take care of it!

    • Take it to your nearest vet, they will deal with it from there. If they can't find the owners they will contact the RSPCA but they will provide emergency treatment for the cat in the meantime.

    • If you take it to a vet (or an animal shelter), they can deal with it. But, plan on putting out some bucks.Otherwise, if you have a friend in the medical field (EMT, nurse, etc), perhaps you could ask for some advice. It is really hard to clean up an injured animal without it going into a tizzy. So, plan on wrapping it in a towel and have a helper to put on an antibiotic, etc. Since it can't lick that area, it should start to heal. Of course, the animal will keep rubbing at it....

    • Slide it REALLY gently into a cardboard box and get it to the vet - NOW!!!! There are emergency vets open at all hours. When you get it there, explain what has happened - most vets will treat an injured animal and won't charge you for it, they will check to see if it's chipped and contact the owner, otherwise a re-homing organisation.If you can't get it to a vet, find someone who will, or CALL a vet immediately. Good luck little kitty!

    • View this website and contact your local RSPCA straight away, they will help you:http://www.rspca.org.uk/servlet/Satellite?pagename=RSPCA/RSPCARedirect&pg=YrLocalHomeIf you have no luck, call 118 118 and ask for you nearest emergency vet.I hope the cat is okxx Emmie

    • Ring the RSPCA and they will tell you whether to take it to a vets or they will deal with it. Either way, needs immediate attention or will probably die. For starters, might get an abscess if left unattended and a simple jab can prevent that.

    • Call the RSPCA or a local animal shelter - they will take it in and have it seen by a vet. Also if the cat is microchipped they can contact the owner. If not it would be nice of you to put some posters up around the neighbourhood so that the owner knows that it has been injured. I wouldn't take it to the vet yourself because you might have to pay the vet fees!! Personally I wouldn't want to pay the vet fees for an animal that is not even mine!! So RSPCA or animal shelter is the best option. You should find them in your yellow pages.