just found really bad injured cat what should i do?

just come home to find cat under my car, really badly injured looks like he/she been in fight with dog, ear bad gone small and hard swollen and really bad gashes to head, what should i do?

    just found really bad injured cat what should i do?

    just come home to find cat under my car, really badly injured looks like he/she been in fight with dog, ear bad gone small and hard swollen and really bad gashes to head, what should i do?...
    General Dog Discussions : just found really bad injured cat what should i do?...

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    • I think you should call an animal hospital. Or take the poor thing to the closest animal hospital A.S.A.P.Or try to wipe the wounds with a luke warm paper towel, then wrap a little towel around a cold compressor (icepack) then take it to the nearest animal hospital.

    • RSPCA, dont go to vets until you have phoned the RSPCA, because if the vets aren't getting money for treating a stray cat or something, they dont beother and might just put it down. I found an injured crow once, took it to the vets, had a phone call later and they said they'd put it down because of a badly injured back. However, it walked and attempted to fly while i was waiting for a box, so it therefore wasn't paralysed and it also ate white chocolate out of my hand. Vets are now mainly in it for money ( sorry to any vets that do care for animals out there, i wish you were the vet nearest me!!).

    • gald to hear you care enough to ask. if you can and are willing take it to a vet right away or better yet you'll have better luck at a emergency vet hospitol

    • keep it and take it to a vet and make it feel loved!this kitten may have had nasty owners before you and may have tried to hurt it!! when its better let it go again or keep it if you like it!!..

    • You should take the cat to a vet at the first opportunity. In the meantime, you can use regular first aid, cleaning the wounds with warm water. (I remember my mother sewing up lacerations to a cat's head with a plain old needle and thread when we lived out in the wilds of Africa but I don't recommend this unless you really know what you are doing.)Make the cat comfortable, offer him or her plenty of clean water and a little food. Do NOT give the cat medication or apply any type of ointment or salve to the wounds without the vet's sayso. God bless you for being a good Samaritan to one of God's creatures.

    • Dont bother with the RSPCA, they are nowhere near as good as they make out on the telly, just take it to a vet, tell them its not your cat and you found it, and leave it there, they will treat it, see if its microchipped, and tell the Cats Protection League, who will pay for the vets bill if the owner cant be found, you will have to tell them where you found it, ie what address, hopefully the owner will come looking for it, and you can direct them to the vet you took it to, they will do the rest.