Will the fur grow back on my dog's leg?

My dog has been trying to jump over a wall which is a little bit high and got some fur rubbed off one of his legs. My wife dabbed some TCP on it. She did not want to take him to the vet,because the last time she spent £80 for treatment.

    Will the fur grow back on my dog's leg?

    My dog has been trying to jump over a wall which is a little bit high and got some fur rubbed off one of his legs. My wife dabbed some TCP on it. She did not want to take him to the vet,because the last time she spent £80 for treatment....
    General Dog Discussions : Will the fur grow back on my dog's leg?...

    • Will the fur grow back on my dog's leg?

      Will the fur grow back on my dog's leg? General Dog Discussions
      My dog has been trying to jump over a wall which is a little bit high and got some fur rubbed off one of his legs. My wife dabbed some TCP on it. She did not want to take him to the vet,because the last time she spent £80 for treatment.

      Will the fur grow back on my dog's leg?

      Will the fur grow back on my dog's leg? General Dog Discussions
    • Yes it will grow back...but keep an eye on it, because if it gets infected it will cost a lot more than £80....have you never considered pet insurance.

    • If it's just hair off then there's no need to take him to a vet. If he has grazed it then clean it several times a day with warm salt water (boil the kettle then let it cool so its sterile, and add a little salt) then something like iodine or savlon should be fine. Keep an eye on the leg for heat, swelling etc. as these are signs of infection in which case he would HAVE to see a vet, no choice! But keep it clean and if its just a surface wound he should be fine. The hair will almost certainly grow back, but depending on the depth of the wound it may grow back white if the pigment has been damaged.

    • Yes, as long as it was just a scrape and the fur was merely scraped off, in time it will grow back. I've had my dogs get numerous scrapes (we do lots of hiking) which went "bald". A couple weeks later, they had their hair back!

    • Yes it will grow back.put peroxide on it and then watch it heal fast. dogs heal fast.believe me. I cut mine by accident gromming them and i was amazed how quick thay healed.Don't worry your dog will be just fine and take care of it.

    • Yes it should grow back okay. Our silly 7 month old Flattie did exactly the same thing. Just make sure it doesn't get infected and try and prevent your pooch from jumping on things or over them in future....although its a terrible task if you've got a high energy dog like ours =)

    • in life you will have to make sacrifices... yes, $80 might be alot but when you look at it. is it the pet you care for or is it your money...maybe if the dog was taken to the vet.. the chances his hair growing back would be greater, early intervention to every situation can prevent something from going wrong. it will grow back anyhow.