My puppy ate a dead wasp what should I do?

He ate it about 10 minutes ago but he is sleeping now and I don't know whether to be worried or not...

    My puppy ate a dead wasp what should I do?

    He ate it about 10 minutes ago but he is sleeping now and I don't know whether to be worried or not......
    General Dog Discussions : My puppy ate a dead wasp what should I do?...

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    • My puppy ate a dead wasp what should I do?

      My puppy ate a dead wasp what should I do? General Dog Discussions
      He ate it about 10 minutes ago but he is sleeping now and I don't know whether to be worried or not...

      My puppy ate a dead wasp what should I do?

      My puppy ate a dead wasp what should I do? General Dog Discussions
    • You should relax and forget about it. The wasp was not alive to bite or sting so it hasn't done any harm. Just a bit of extra protein. Don't be worried at all. You'll see that tomorrow you still don't see any reaction and you can just get on with your life with your puppy and enjoy him. Give him a big hug and cuddle and be grateful the wasp wasn't alive to sting him, and it's one less nasty wasp in the world to do damage :-).

    • Not a problem if it was dead & therefore didn't sting the dog. In many places in the world, both people AND animals, eat insects. (You need to get out more or watch more Animal Planet shows.)

    • Don't worry, it's the live sting that can be a problem to dogs. So long as the puppy ate it after it was dead and you are sure it was already zilched before the puppy came into contact with it.If you are not sure that it was dead and you think your pup may have been stung, keep an eye on his facial area, especially the nose and mouth for any swelling. Your pup will have a reaction within 24 hours if he has been stung and is allergic to it.If he shows signs of swelling or difficulty in breathing at any time within the next 12 - 24 hrs seek your vet immediately.

    • As the wasp was dead and you have not said the puppy is showing any signs of swelling and/or discomfort - your puppy is fine. However - after having this happen to my animals and having to deal with the swelling and upset it may be worthwhile keeping a packet of Piriton handy at all times - speak to your vet now re the dosage - pe warned is less stressful. I was told to give half a tablet immediately and then took the dog immediately to the vets for further advice/examination, as he was stung in the mouth - which of course can be dangerous. Vets and their receptionists are amazingly helpful with advice - and mine have never charged when I have telephoned them. They would rather you ask now when you have no animal in distress than have you ringing them in a blind panic!Try to discourage your puppy with distraction tactics if you ever see the puppy with wasps/bees. Sadly not all puppy's learn; even after they have been stung once or twice - stress you and the puppy could do without!Best wishes

    • Poisonous IngredientBee, wasp, and yellow jacket stings give off a substance called venom.Where Found * Bees * Wasps * Yellow jacketsSymptoms * Eyes, ears, nose, and throat o Swelling of throat * * Gastrointestinal o Abdominal cramping o Diarrhea o Nausea o Vomiting * Heart and blood vessels o Severe decrease in blood pressure * * Lungs o Difficulty breathing * * Skin o Hives * o Itching o Swelling at site of sting * Whole Body o Collapse * o Pain at site of sting o Swelling of the face and lips ** These symptoms are due to an allergic reaction and not venom.Read more:

    • I appreciate your concern but if the wasp was already dead, and it now faces digestion by your puppy there really is nothing you can do and few vets will treat a wasp anyway!