my dog is on her 1st period and her vigina looks a lot more swollen then normal .?

she keeps on trying and licking herself should I be worried and take her to the vet.

    my dog is on her 1st period and her vigina looks a lot more swollen then normal .?

    she keeps on trying and licking herself should I be worried and take her to the vet....
    General Dog Discussions : my dog is on her 1st period and her vigina looks a lot more swollen then normal .?...

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    • first of you call it<on heat> yes its normal and every time theyare<on heat>it will happen!

    • No, that's just normal. She's just "in heat" and it would be like that for about 1-2 weeks, then it will be back to its normal state again. And expect that to happen twice a year or for about 6 months after again.And if you plan to mate her, count about 11 days from her 1st day of menstruation. That would be her most fertile period.

    • Dont't worry, that's quite normal. Only keep a tight watch on her and keep her away from male pretenders unless you want to have batch of beautiful cute puppies.

    • This is perfectly normal. I had a puppy that got her first period when she was 9 months old and it was a surprise to me. I had a horrible Dr. that told me to come in with her after she was 9 months to get spayed which now that I have spoken to other vets state that you can get them spayed as early as 5 months but no later then 6 months because after their 6th month they are very lucky to go into heat. She went into heat when she was 9 months old and her new Dr. says that she will stay on her period for at least 3 to 4 weeks after the first day of her period. But yet I still have to wait 2 months to go get her spayed because her uterus and vagina are so swollen and it is to dangerous for them to do any surgery. So I don't know what you are going to do if you are going to get her spayed or not but if you want to wait at least 2 months from when she first got her period and take her in. If not she will be getting her period every 6 months or so and it lasts about 3 to 4 weeks. And for them licking themselves that is just for them to keep clean since we can keep them in a bathtub all day. Hope that helps.

    • It is a normal process and will go back to normal in about 10 to 14 days. Don't stop her from cleaning herself. You just have to put up with it. Just look out for a sticky clear or yellow discharge after menstruation. This is not likely to happen with a young dog, but it is a sign of infection or ovarian tumour. This is very serious and you need to take her to the vet at the first sign of it.

    • no, i have just gone through the same thing with my doberman, the swelling is perfectly normal, it stuck out like a baboons a+se with my dog, the licking is to keep herself clean, don't forget she is bleeding bless her.all is normal, absolutely no need to worry.all will return to normal when her heat

    • Nope, she's fine it's perfectly normal, they do swell up at the back end when in season. You are lucky that she is keeping herself clean.Her season should last about 3 weeks and depending on breed the peak should come between 10-18 days, it is very important then to keep her away from male dogs and to make sure that you keep her on a lead when exercising her. To keep my bitch clean I usually wipe her with an unscented baby wipe when she is in season, stops her getting smelly.

    • no that is normal good to see she is cleaning herself if she gets real messy give her a nice wash down below i do and keep her away from male dogs for 3 weeks and watch your bitch if she goes out your back yard as a dog will jump a high fence to get at her and if you take her out for a walk try and pick her up for a few yards until you are away from the house and pick her up when you return a few yards away from house so that the dogs cant smell scent to your door because when she is ready she will even go looking for dog if she can get out so take great care