Would it be ok to get 2 Bullmastiff brothers?

Has anyone ever done this? What would the advantages and disadvantages of doing this be? I would get both neutered.. Oviously it would be harder to train 2 but I would be willing to put more time in.I should add I am a relatively experienced dog owner…

    Would it be ok to get 2 Bullmastiff brothers?

    Has anyone ever done this? What would the advantages and disadvantages of doing this be? I would get both neutered.. Oviously it would be harder to train 2 but I would be willing to put more time in.I should add I am a relatively experienced dog owner…...
    General Dog Discussions : Would it be ok to get 2 Bullmastiff brothers?...

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    • Would it be ok to get 2 Bullmastiff brothers?

      Would it be ok to get 2 Bullmastiff brothers? General Dog Discussions
      Has anyone ever done this? What would the advantages and disadvantages of doing this be? I would get both neutered.. Oviously it would be harder to train 2 but I would be willing to put more time in.I should add I am a relatively experienced dog owner and know how to be the 'pack leader'.

      Would it be ok to get 2 Bullmastiff brothers?

      Would it be ok to get 2 Bullmastiff brothers? General Dog Discussions
    • yupwe have 3 pomeranian brothers!and used to have three pomchi (uneutered of different sexes) and they were GREAT together!they love company, good luck...a dog is for life etc.

    • Many good breeders will not sell two pups from the same litter to the same person. It's not a great idea. The pups tend to bond to each other and pay attention only to each other. They often become mischieveous and hard to control and train. I'd get one from one litter, wait a year or two and then get another one.

    • If someone is willing to sell you 2 from the litter then run far and fast - No REPUTABLE breeder will sell someone off the street 2 from the same litter.No matter how experienced you are with dogs, it's a VERY difficult task to keep the dogs from packing together, especially dogs of that size. Plan on separate walks, separate socialization and separate training classes, otherwise, you'll quickly loose rank in their pack.

    • Normally I don't recommend getting littermates regardless of sex, I have done successfully it in the past but only when I know that the individual(s) has the experience and also there have been multiple members in the household and basically each was going to be responsible for a separate puppy. If the owner(s) is willing to put in the time and effort it can be done but even if there are 2 of you working at it keep in mind that training and socializing 2 pups isn't just double the work it is more like 4 times the work. Always I would recommend neutering sooner rather than later to avoid hormone based behavior problems.

    • It's not a good idea to buy littermates, espeically 2 brothers.. They can grow up and get along .. but odds are against it. Most breeders will not sell littermates especially cause it's so much more work to housetrain etc. You should buy one now, housetrain and crate train, take some obedience classes, and in the future add a second dog.

    • Two brothers are better than two sisters, but still not a good idea. Dogs raised with littermates tend to bond so closely with their littermate that things become much more than twice as difficult. One may tend to be unsure when not with the other more dominant dog. They are less likely to listen or want to work with the human since thier brother is much more fun. They will become more stressed if forced to be seperated later, like if one needs to stay at the vets overnight. It also can more difficult to figure out who is doing the bad thing, whether it be chewing or inappropriate elimination.It is a much better idea to get one dog, train it so that you are happy with it's behavior, and then get the second dog, allowing you to concentrate the training on one at a time.

    • Personally i do not recommend getting 2 from the same litter. The reason why is they will bond more closely to each other then to you. Which would make you outside of their pack. I guess a good question would be is why are you wanting to get 2? The other problem i forsee is that once they hit their "teenage" stage they are going to challange each other for higher rank with in the pack. What i would recommmend you doing is either getting only one dog. or getting one of each sex from different litters. And you are correct in the fact that it will harder to train 2 at the same time and you will deffently want to start with basic obidence early on. As they will feed off each others bad behivors. I wish you luck in what ever you choose to do. Enjoy your new baby or babies

    • I Can only speak for neo mastiff, as pups they will be fine as long as you are pack leader, however even with training don't forget that even when they are neutered you will have to teenage boys who are a natural guarding breed. I have a female German shep and male neo and they are fine but my breeder would not sell me a female neo as they do not advise female/ female or male/male. It will make no difference that they are litter mates, just look how teenage human brothers fight.I would get male/female if it were my choice.

    • I own four males and they share a yard and get along great. Two of them are brothers and they are so close its almost scary. They even share one dog house when all of my dogs have their own houses. They play together and eat together. They are best friends.As far as training them, I don't really think its harder it just takes more time working with 2 dogsAll of my dogs are muttsAll of my dogs (no manner if they are out of the same litter or not) are very loving to every human in our house and our visitors. They are also very obedient. This goes for the brothers and the other dogs. I also have over an acre and 10 dogs.