How do you mend a broken leg of a kakariki/parrot?

Earlier today, i let my kakariki out to play and fly about, unfortunately he must of lost balance while flying and he flew right into my door, feet first.He cant fly now and i think he's hurt his wing aswell.Please help, and i cant take him to my vet,…

    How do you mend a broken leg of a kakariki/parrot?

    Earlier today, i let my kakariki out to play and fly about, unfortunately he must of lost balance while flying and he flew right into my door, feet first.He cant fly now and i think he's hurt his wing aswell.Please help, and i cant take him to my vet,…...
    General Dog Discussions : How do you mend a broken leg of a kakariki/parrot?...

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    • How do you mend a broken leg of a kakariki/parrot?

      How do you mend a broken leg of a kakariki/parrot? General Dog Discussions
      Earlier today, i let my kakariki out to play and fly about, unfortunately he must of lost balance while flying and he flew right into my door, feet first.He cant fly now and i think he's hurt his wing aswell.Please help, and i cant take him to my vet, because my vet can only handle dogs and cats.Please help,How do you fix his wing and foot!Thank you in advance.

      How do you mend a broken leg of a kakariki/parrot?

      How do you mend a broken leg of a kakariki/parrot? General Dog Discussions
    • You need to get him seen by a vet as soon as possible.I am sure you have more than one vet in your area? You need to get ringing around them and look for an EXOTICS vet (a vet practice that will treat parrots). They aren't too hard to find and you really need him looked at by a vet in this situation, he could be in pain and leaving him like it would be considered cruelty.Hope you manage to get him sorted.

    • You can go and find a different exotic vet around the area but if not then look at the tail, if it is bobbing then something is wrong unless he has done some exercising. Stroke the bird around the chest to calm him down. Now for the leg, if there is a bump or alot of veins in a certain area of one of the legs then massage that part. On the wing you should see primary and secondary feathers. Feel along the arm until you find a diconected bit or a bendy bit. Clip the primary feathers and wrap an anti-toxic bandage around the bit.

    • Are you sure that it has broken it's leg>it will have certainly injured it's self . but as for breaking a leg or it's wings it would have to have been traveling at a fast speed . it could have only bruised it's self so give it a day or two to recover , If you have a rescue centre nearby . they have vets that will check out your bird.for free in most cases.If it has a broken leg or wing then I am sorry to say it may be best to have it put to sleep as birds with broken limbs do not survive long and Kakarikis are noted to die from shock alone Breeder