What vaccinations for kittens need and how much are they?

Hey, well im thinking of getting a kitten, will probably be around 8 weeks old. What vaccinations do they need and does anybody know how much they cost?Do you get a bundle of vaccinations for so much?Is there anything else they need apart from the…

    What vaccinations for kittens need and how much are they?

    Hey, well im thinking of getting a kitten, will probably be around 8 weeks old. What vaccinations do they need and does anybody know how much they cost?Do you get a bundle of vaccinations for so much?Is there anything else they need apart from the…...
    General Dog Discussions : What vaccinations for kittens need and how much are they?...

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    • What vaccinations for kittens need and how much are they?

      What vaccinations for kittens need and how much are they? General Dog Discussions
      Hey, well im thinking of getting a kitten, will probably be around 8 weeks old. What vaccinations do they need and does anybody know how much they cost?Do you get a bundle of vaccinations for so much?Is there anything else they need apart from the obvious food etc?Iv not had a kitten before so i would appreciate as much info and guidance as possible.thanks.

      What vaccinations for kittens need and how much are they?

      What vaccinations for kittens need and how much are they? General Dog Discussions
    • The are probly about not more than $20 plus office visted if go to vet. Look DR Grimes in Estill county KY . she tell any thing you need to know .

    • Kittens in Uk usually start their vaccinations at 8-9 weeks then have again in about 3-4 weeks. They are two vaccinations they have for things like cat flu and feline leukaemia. Then they need there boosters yearly after tha. It is a good idea to have them microchipped that way if they every do get lost or stray and are found can be scan and reunited with you even if goint to be house cat there is always a chance they will get out by accident . Kittens need to start a worming programme which which your vet can help with. Cats need worming every three months and also regular flea treatment. And at about 5 1/2 - 6 months they need to be neutered. There are already far to many unwanted cats and kittens in rescue or killed every year and i mean killed as they are perfectly healthy simple aren't enough homes. If you are going to allow it out you need to wait till after it is neutered and even if microchipped i would advice you get it a cact safety colar with tags with contact details that way people can see that it has a home and is not a stray. As for cost of vaccinations it all depends on where you live they can be from around £45 + a time. Best thing to do is call and ask your vet. I would recommend you looking into get pet insurance it is one of those things you hope you never need but are glad you have it when you do. It means if your cat is ever ill or injured all you have to worry about is getting it better not how much it will cost. Pet insurance doesn't cover small vet bills say under £80 and dental. As you kitten is still young it is worth get him/her used to having her teeth cleaned you need pet toothpaste can't use human and do it daily. But even if you do clean them everyday they will most probably need to have a dental when older which aren't cheap and as they aren't covered by pet insurance it is worth thinking of opening a bank account and putting alittle money away every months so if or when it does need one the money is there. I have one for my dog. Most important enjoy your new family member.

    • At eightto 10 weeks your cat is going to need feline distemper, and at around twelve weeks the raies shots.Those are the highly recommended,necessary ones,the otheres really depend on how exposed your cat will be to the virus. If your cat isgoing to be anoutdoor cat, which is notthebest idea, some of the others like the leukemia shot might be necessary. Cost really depends on your vet, call aorund for some prices. Here's a good article on all the vaccines and when your cat should get them, http://www.cat-health-101.com/cat-vaccines.html