Chicken attacked by dog! Help?

My dog bite my chicken around the neck, she drew blood. The chickens very uneasy on her feet and its distressing to watch, her neck seems fine though doesnt seem to be broken. Shes not interested in water or food, and looks like shes gasping for air?How…

    Chicken attacked by dog! Help?

    My dog bite my chicken around the neck, she drew blood. The chickens very uneasy on her feet and its distressing to watch, her neck seems fine though doesnt seem to be broken. Shes not interested in water or food, and looks like shes gasping for air?How…...
    General Dog Discussions : Chicken attacked by dog! Help?...

    • Chicken attacked by dog! Help?

      Chicken attacked by dog! Help? General Dog Discussions
      My dog bite my chicken around the neck, she drew blood. The chickens very uneasy on her feet and its distressing to watch, her neck seems fine though doesnt seem to be broken. Shes not interested in water or food, and looks like shes gasping for air?How soon would you be able to tell if it was stress or if the dogs done some serious damage?

      Chicken attacked by dog! Help?

      Chicken attacked by dog! Help? General Dog Discussions
    • You need to get her to a vet urgent. She may only be a chicken but they still feel pain and suffer so deserve vet care too. It could be the bite has damaged her air way. If she is gasping for air that is a serious sign that something is wrong . How would you feel if you felt you could breath properly.

    • Yea I would definitely agree with the others and tell you to take it to a vet as quickly as possible, she's more than likely injured internally and suffering from shock, hence not drinking or eating, but don't take the action into your own hands, see the professional and take on board what he says although I would say that chickens are alot tougher than one might think.