Urgent!! Dog in Fight!?

i have a friend whos dog was in a fight with a pitbull, he said that his neck is bleeding a little, he is shaking slightly when he breaths in and is whining a little. He cant get any help and his parents wont let him call a vet out. What can he do?Thanks…

    Urgent!! Dog in Fight!?

    i have a friend whos dog was in a fight with a pitbull, he said that his neck is bleeding a little, he is shaking slightly when he breaths in and is whining a little. He cant get any help and his parents wont let him call a vet out. What can he do?Thanks…...
    General Dog Discussions : Urgent!! Dog in Fight!?...

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    • I would advise him to help the dog in any way he can at home first with the advice already given, then take it the RSPCA (UK). This sounds too nasty to treat only at home. Sorry if you are from the U.S. but there will be similar organisations who can help. I think it's really cruel his parents won't let him call a vet. How would they like it if they were refused treatment from a doctor? I hope they suffer an agonising death the b***stards.

    • Rinse out the wound with clean water and wrap it well, be sure to clean the wound every 3-4 hours. Also give the dog some Tylenol ( it wont hurt him) this will ease some of the pain.The reason the dog my be shaking is because of the pain and also scared.I hope everything will be ok best of luck :(

    • The dog is likely to be in shock. The best treatment for shock is to be kept in a warm, quiet place, with low lighting and a bowl of water, and for your friend to sit quietly with him and stay calm.He can wash the wound with a solution of 1 teaspoon salt in 1 pint warm water, he must wash his hands first.Unfortunately all we can do is give basic first aid advice, and first aid is meant to be used as an emergency to keep the dog comfortable until you can get it to the vets.As your friend is 15 he cannot be legally responsible for the dog, and a vet may not be able to treat without the owners consent. Which means the parents.There are many reasons why pet owners don't go to the vet, they may be unable to pay the bill. If they are on state benefits they can use the pdsa or blue cross, or many vets have an arrangement to refer clients to one of these charities.There may be a control order on the dog; if they have been to court over the dogs behaviour they may be unwilling to end up in court again.They may be worried about the reactio of the pit bull owner if the police get involved.Your friend is being put into an impossible position by his parents. He really needs more help than we can give. Wish him luck, and try to give him all the support you can.

    • the dog is shaking due to being extremely scared and in shock which can kill him. If the wound is deep then a vet will need to be called otherwise if the dog is just left i would reccommend a call to the rspca to report the owners. Try cleaning the wound with a clean cloth, and some warm salty water, also the dog may need an injection for any diseases as dogs teeth are full of them, an injection of antibiotics is also needed to prevent furthur infection

    • Where does he live in Ireland? A pet rescue centre would provide veterinary help if he can prove his parents are unemployed. He would have to take the dog though. Our local rescue centre helps out when people can't afford to pay for vet fees and i'm in Ireland Eire). If he lives up north he can (Still proving his parents are unemployed contact his local Vet. A lot of them would treat him under the PDSA (He pays nothing). As it is such an emergency they would treat the dog and get the paperwork done afterwards.

    • I would suggest he calls the PDSA or the Blue Cross and they would be able to help. Alternatively if he calls the RSPCA, they will also help with financial assistance if necessary. I would advise the first two options in the first instance. I would certainly be worth getting the dog checked ASAP, as there can be damage inside that is not evident on the outside.

    • Call the RSPCA, and failing that, the police. They will be able to claim it was an anonymous tip-off, and the lad's parents need never know. Failing to get veterinary care for an injured animal is a criminal offence, and the parents could be prosecuated for causing animal cruelty if the dog is not seen by a vet. The usual result of such a case is a fine or imprisonment, and most likely a lifetime ban on keeping animals. The boy would be doing his parents a favour by calling the RSPCA now.

    • your family do not want you to go vets as pit bulls are illegal . u have 2 choices, if u can see into the wound, take to vet asap. or wipe around wound best u can trim fur away from wound, wipe with warm salty water, and pray your dog do not die. actually your third choice is definitely ditch the parents.

    • keep the dog warm because he will be in shock, try to give him a little food, find antiseptic cream like sudocream , clean the wounds with cool boiled water and cotton balls to get any dirt out then put the cream onto the wounds. this will stop it getting infected. make sure hes warm and try and give him food and water to keep his strength up. goodluck

    • I would call a vet and get advise ,But if u cant do that u should clean the wound and wrap it so it won't get infected and syay with him at all times to make sure it doesn't go into shock or anything like that

    • If you don't see a vet the chances are if shock didn't kill the dog the following infection will. If you can not visit the vet try and get a broad spectrum antibiotic and rehome the dog to somebody who can take it to a vet.