Why would you not insure your dog?

Vet bills are often unexpected and end up far more expensive then the owner can allow for. A canine insurance policy means that expenses incurred for treatment of a dog are not going to hit the owner financially, while allowing the dog to get the best…

    Why would you not insure your dog?

    Vet bills are often unexpected and end up far more expensive then the owner can allow for. A canine insurance policy means that expenses incurred for treatment of a dog are not going to hit the owner financially, while allowing the dog to get the best…...
    General Dog Discussions : Why would you not insure your dog?...

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    • For me, it is because pets are generally very healthy, especially if you buy from a responsible breeder. Pet insurance banks on your pup never having to visit the vet, and most of the time, you don't have emergencies. Over the life of the dog, you are more apt to pay more for vet insurance than you are paying for vet bills.Accidents do happen, though.

    • 1. Because I think it's a ripoff2. I couldn't afford to cover all my dogs3. In 30+ yrs, my highest vet's bill has been £250.004. I have a wonderful, experienced, down to earth vet.5. Insurance doesn't cover any routine or elective procedures.6. I prefer to put money away myself

    • The only reason I can think of someone not insuring a dog would be the shere expense. If you are on a tight budget you really need to think about it when contemplating to get/buy a pet. Here in GB the average monthly premium is around £10, going up to £25 once the dog reaches 10 years.

    • Think about it. Where I live to get good insurance for your pet it costs $83 a month without tax. That equals $996 a year! You may need to see the Vet once or twice during that year and it would cost you maybe $100. Ten years of insurance would be almost $10 000 !! Wow. And you may never get your money's worth. That's why people don't insure their pets.

    • Were I to insure every dog I own, I'd pay far more in premiums for a year than I ever would in yearly vet costs.That's why I haven't bothered to look into it. I know what to expect in terms of overall health from the bloodlines in my kennel, and I'm willing to pay for whatever comes along.

    • I do insure my dogs, not for the vet's bills but in case they cause a problem elsewhere. Example one of them gets out runs across the road after a cat causes a car to swerve and an accident happens. Net result I am sued. I will find the money for necessary vet bills but I wouldn't be able to cover personal injury claims. I wil therefore gamble on the lower amount but not on the sum that would ruin me for life,

    • Both my Labs are insured, after paying thousands in vets bills when Molly was diagnosed with cancer l thought it best to insure any other dogs that l would ever own.They were both insured as soon as l got them. Milly has problems with allergies and is at the vets at least once a month for an immunotherapy injection, antihistamines, anal glands expressing, ears checking, she's prone to recurrent ear infections, so far in about 3 years the vets bills have added up to around £2,500, the amount l've paid in insurance is a fraction of that, this is an ongoing condition so l'm really glad l've got the insurance. l feel happier knowing that if anything happens, l can concentrate on getting them better instead of worrying how much it's going to cost, and where l'm going to get the money from.Little Alfie is now insured as well, that was one of the conditions of me looking after him, Carl had to insure him.

    • Cause they tried to charge me a lot for my older dog- which i expected and for my puppy- i had already gotten her with all of her shots and whatnot...Also most insurance companies want an auto debit setup...monthly...I checked several different carriers and most were pretty pricy and i've heard stories of people having issues with the payouts....I think its wiser to just have a savings account where i can throw in a extra few bucks a month of my doggie fund

    • My family dogs are insured. However I personally think any insurance is a 'rip off' and the fact that its easy of being lazy and not being sensible and careful with our money. But also I do think insurance is there for a very good reason because of unexpected bills. I think the best way is to have an emergency fundings just for pets/dogs. Exactly the same way as paying your insurance monthly, but its going Straight into your savings account. Its there for emergency and its there to claim all of your money back of your pets does not require medical treatments and interest is added, so more money recieved! Unlike insurance money you would never get your money back, especially if your pets did not have massive health problems. Although I do think insurance is good for pets who have long-term health problems. Or for those people who do not have time to sit down, and sort your your finances etc. Basically its 50/50. I am not against it at all. I just wish vets were like nhs - free services, we should have that. More animals would be treated much better then.

    • If I had a vast bank balance, perhaps I would not insure my dog. One of my fears about insurance is that vets think that an insured dog is a meal ticket. I think that some vets suggest unnecessary appointments and even unnecessary surgery. I have had experience of this.In the past I have known wonderful and caring vets. I will continue to insure my dog, however why do the receptionists ask about insurance when one makes an appointment.?Edit. My present dog has had more problems than any of my previous dogs. She needed medical care and ops. I have had more back from tne insurance company than I have paid in. Nevertheless I think that vets inflate their costs if a dog is insured.

    • I looked into Pet Insurance when I got my current dog - I have never had any of my other dogs insured.I decided that to get the kind of cover they I would be after was too costly per month - the top cover, and still left alot of gaps where I may be still eligible for huge bills. I decided that it would be better to put that money into an account and earn the interest on it myself and it would be there if and when I needed it.Of course, I haven't done this but I am in the financial position to be able to cope with whatever comes along. I have done it in the past with my dogs and I'll do it in the future.

    • we don't insure, i have 5 atm, because of the breed i have and what i want my insurance to cover, just for one dog it will cost more per month/year than i pay on my horses insurance, imagin that x 5, it would cost about £2000 a year to insure all of mine,.luckily we are in a good situation, otherwise i would only have one dog and have it insured.we always have vet bills to pay, but most of it is routine and bits and bobs (eye/ear drops, prescriptions etc) so wouldn't be covered anyways.i would recommend people with just one or two dogs, and dogs in a low risk category to be insured, but you have to weigh up the options, if you can afford to pay a large amount for an unexpected injury/illness/tests etc then is insurance worth it with a "pack" of dogs.

    • I have several dogs including a blind Doberman puppy, insurance for her would not cover many of her conditions so would be a waste of money, potentially she may cost us £1000s in vet fees, we have had dogs in the past with HD who required hip replacements costing several thousand pounds, we have the money to pay these bills and could meet any vet expenses without having to rely upon insurance, not everybody needs insurance for vet fees. Insurance companies make millions from pet owners they get far more paid in than they pay out, they are a business there to make money.

    • Yes, I have VPI on all my dogs, have carried it forever...and yes, when my poor little Pepper got cancer in 2004 then had to be put down..it was a blessing...not getting your dog insured, well, some people don't understand the medical bills can wipe some people out...and thus the dog does not get the medical help it deserves.why:: they do not want to pay the premiums......

    • Why would you pay for pet insurance?Pet insurance now, is full of clauses which stop you claiming on it, you pay the first (at least) £50 of the vets bill,can't claim for certain conditions and only up to a certain maximum price, once you have made a claim, then that condition is exempt from further claims, you can't claim for vaccinations or neutering and older animals either get higher premiums or they won't insure them and vets ask if your dog/animal is insured and will "do further tests" just because they are insured.I have 10 dogs and 4 cats, none are insured after being 'bitten' by pet insurance in the past. I opened a bank account and put in what I would pay for their insurance, using that money if I need to go to the vets, my vet is aware they are not insured, however also aware that I will spend what I need to, to make sure they get ALL the treatment they NEED. I get a discount from my vet, each and every visit, I feed my dogs (& cats) the right food that will make sure they have everything they need in their diet (not kibble) I am knowledgeable about my animals and any illness they have and if I don't know I find out, I train and work the dogs (the cats also think they are dogs), they are all fit and healthy from 7 months old to 16 years old (dogs) and 9 weeks old to 6 years old (cats) and I have a very nice amount in the bank account after 20 years of doing it this way.And yes I have had dogs which had a lot of vet treatments for expensive treatment for illness and conditions, most of which pet insurance woud not have paid for except in the first lot of treatment.

    • I have insurance, when we got our dog a year ago he was just a couple of months old we took out insurance straight away, from a company recommended by the vet surgery, Im so glad we did because at 6 months he got gastroenteritis & had to be rushed in, the bill came to £350 but i only had to pay the excess of £50 & the insurers paid the remaining balance straight to the vets, it was at Christmas time so it was a great piece of mind that i didn't have to find the whole amount, the insurance is just under £15 a month so already i have had to claim more than we paid in the first year for insurance, plus it covers things like if he damaged somebodys property, any legal proceedings on behalf of him up to £1,000,000 if he had to go in kennels because i had to go into hospital etc the likliehood of any of this happenning is very slim but you just never know what may happen so better safe than sorry i think