Do you think that regular booster injections for cats and dogs are necessary?

Or are they just a way to regularly line the pockets of the Vetinary Practice? (UK)I have kept (outdoor) cats for about 15 years, some I have had immunised regularly and some not, and I've not had any problems when I haven't. What are other peples…

    Do you think that regular booster injections for cats and dogs are necessary?

    Or are they just a way to regularly line the pockets of the Vetinary Practice? (UK)I have kept (outdoor) cats for about 15 years, some I have had immunised regularly and some not, and I've not had any problems when I haven't. What are other peples…...
    General Dog Discussions : Do you think that regular booster injections for cats and dogs are necessary?...

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    • They're needed, just like boosters for humans.A wild momma cat had started having her kittens near where my parents and grandparents live. They weren't immunized, and they were all right- until someone dumped a sick cat there. Then THEY started getting sick and dying- not pleasantly, I might add.Do you want to take that risk with your furry friends?

    • Yes I do think injections are necessary if the animal was to become ill when a jab could have stopped it you would never forgive yourself apart from the suffering of the animal think how your pocket will suffer

    • I think you've been lucky. I'm one of those people who believe in the boosters (it's the only time my vet ever needs to see my indoor/outdoor cat). It's for that time just in case, cause prevention goes much further than having to try and cure, some stuff they can get is just nasty, I don't believe in taking chances with animals and their health.

    • Seeing as veterinary education is partly funded by the vaccine manufacturers I think there is certainly something in that. There are safer ways to immunise your dog or cat see the canine health concern website at: If you must use regular vaccines then the experts are saying that the primary injections plus the first annual booster will be enough to protect your dog for life.

    • DEFFINATLY! if you are letting your cat outside (which is a foolish thing to do in the first place) your cat could be spreading illnesses left and right to all poor cats out there, even if your cat doesn't have something it could be a carrier of it or it could get an illness from another cat.somepeople think that indoor cats don't need vaccines, they would be less likely to come into contact with these diseases. I still think they are important.KEEP YOUR CAT INSIDE, BE RESPONCIABLE!

    • dogs yes as they are outside & exposed to all kinds of germs etc,, as for cats as I have 2 dogs & 2 cats the cats do not roam outside only the back yard they have never had thier shots only when they were kittens & they are fine I also had a cat that lived to be 20 years old & again only had the shots as a kitten..

    • I think regular boosters are very important, vet's will not advise and give treatment if it is unecessary. The highest killer in dogs is parvo, a dog can just sniff at a corner and pick up parvo it is a dreadful way for the dog to die if it catches it, also there is distemper which is an air bourne virus which when the dog is vaccinated for parvo it is also vaccinated for distemper, again this is highly contagious and it is also a killer. Cat flu which your cat is vaccinated against also kills cats of all ages it again is a dreadful way for a cat to die it suffers terribly, their eyes become swollen and sore they sneeze constantly, i couldn't even begin to describe what they go through please don't think for a minute that vaccination is unecessary those animals depend on us to look after their welfare and make sure they don't become ill. I appreciate your cats have not fallen ill but somewhere along the line their mum or their mums mum may have been vaccinated and when mum has fed the newborn mum's immunity has been passed onto the baby thru her milk but it isn't foolproof you can't depend on this that is why vets reccomend vaccination. Im surprised the rescue centre you got your cat from didn't vaccinate before you took her away, or even explained to you why it is so important. I personally prefer my cats to stay in but i never force them to i allow them to come and go i just panick when they are out. But you are right if a cat doesn't want to come in it shouldn't be made to, but she in my opinion still needs to be vaccinated as she is more of risk being out there and mixing with other cats, stray's etc...

    • Hmmm... my last cat Fred (RIP) was never immunised ... and he was fine .. my new cat George had been immunised purely for the reason that he stays in a cattery when we're away and they have to be injected to go there! If the kitty is a healthy one i don't see the harm in not doing it ....

    • If your cats go outdoors they should get all shots and regular boosters.However, if you have indoor cats, and do not allow outside cats into your premises, you may be able to do without the boosters for rabies and feline leukemia.If you are not well off you can contact the local animal protection society to find out where to get low price shots.

    • These vaccines are given to prevent fatal diseases that have caused death in both cat sand dogs. However the veterinary community has taught us to vaccinate our babies every year. About 10 years this methodology was challenged. Come to find out the it was the drug companies pushing the yearly vaccinations. Studies have found that all those vaccinations are unnecessary.Here is the protocol that I use for my cats. Kittens are given the booster vaccines at 13 weeks that is the last vaccine that they get. I instruct my pet buyers to take the kitty to the vet approximately one year from the date of the vaccine that my vet dispensed. After that it is THREE years before they should go back. This included the rabies vaccine and the upper respiratory combo vaccine. After they have returned after three years it is another 3 years before they should go back for these vaccines. Once the cat is about 10 years old all vaccines should be avoided as kitty has had a life time of immunity to these dangers.

    • This is a way too complicated subject to discuss fully here - you would never bother to read it all! Vets recommend vaccinations based on scientific data provided by the manufacturers of the vaccines. Drugs (veterinary AND human) in the UK undergo very vigorous testing to ensure that they are safe and effective and the recommendations for each drug are based on the results of this testing and research. The diseases which are usually vaccinated against in cats and dogs are severe and often fatal. The risk of catching these diseases may be small but the consequences are huge hence the need to protect against them. The risk of catching the disease is partly due to the immune status of the population - so called herd immunity and effectively means that those that don't vaccinate are relying on those that do. To give an example, measles is starting to become more common because the number of children getting the MMR vaccine fell - herd immunity fell and the disease gets a foothold again. On top of this there have been independent studies by respected scientific organisations that have shown no proven link between the vaccines in use and any problems or conditions. Essentially it goes like this - animals get vaccinated, animals get ill sometimes these things happen at the same time but are not linked. To summarise there are no reasons not to follow the recommendations on vaccination and plenty of reasons to follow them. I am sure any vet worth his salt would be happy to discuss this with you at length if you want to so that you can make a properly informed decision.