does anyone have dogs that are terrified of fireworks?

what do you do to try and keep them calm? my 3 dogs get really scared at this time of year, I have tried the d.a.p. diffuser and herbal tablets and they seem to work to some extent but one of my dogs in particular is a nervous wreck. any suggestions…

    does anyone have dogs that are terrified of fireworks?

    what do you do to try and keep them calm? my 3 dogs get really scared at this time of year, I have tried the d.a.p. diffuser and herbal tablets and they seem to work to some extent but one of my dogs in particular is a nervous wreck. any suggestions…...
    General Dog Discussions : does anyone have dogs that are terrified of fireworks?...

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    • my Lab is not gun shy but she is afraid of fire works. Try to ignore the freaky way she acts. if i don't respond to her actions(with the fire works or lightning) then she eventually chills out.

    • One of my 3 dogs is terrified of fireworks/thunder/gunshots, that sort of thing, so usually, on holidays like new years, or 4th of july I spend it inside with my dogI usually hang out in the bathroom with the shower on, so it masks the sound of the firework, this seems to work ok, but she still gets scaredYou can keep trying the herbal tablets, and take her to the bathroom with the shower on, so she can't really hear it

    • The first and easyiest step is not to baby or reinforce their fears with cooing and sympathizing. You must just act nonchalant and natural. You can by Melatonin at any grocery store or pharmacy. It's a natural hormone our bodies make and it is a natural relaxant, sleep inducer. I give my 30 pound dog two of the 3mg. pills. I leave him in the house and turn the radio or TV up just a bit lounder than normal to muffle the sounds of the fireworks. His crate is also always open so that he can take refuge in it if he wants.

    • I know it sounds harsh, but you shouldn't cuddle your dogs too much as they learn that it's good to be scared - they get extra attention - and it just feeds into their fear. Try to be as normal as possible, turn the t.v up a bit, put the radio on louder than normal etc. My dog is petrified but i just play with him when they're really bad and it distracts him from his fear. also you can train them by giving a treat everytime there's a really loud noise, so they eventually associate the noise with something good! Good luck

    • make sure you keep your dog in doors put on the radio as background noise and be around to comfort them keep the curtains drew so they can nt see any flashes hope this helps

    • My Westie attacks the sound they make. He runs round tha garden barking at the sky. If the fireworks are on the telly, we have to mute the sound, but he can still see them, so ends up running round and round barking again. If we bring him in he is hysterical, and scratches all the paintwork attempting to get out. I have been told to let him run as he only barks per firework. All the rubbish they sell does not work, and our vets will not let me have drugs for him because firework night is nearly every night, two weeks before and after, and you cant drug animals that much. So earplugs ready, neighbours have been warned, but I have a job dealing with it I get stressed out. Perhaps I need the drugs!

    • My dogs are exactly the same, they hate this time of the year too!You can try Rescue Remedy which you can buy in a pharmacy, it does calm them down, you add it to their waters, or put straight onto their tounge!Putting a t.shirt on them, relaxes them, as they feel more secured, keep them in doors, with the television up, to block out most of the noise!You could ask your vets, they might have new ways/suggestions for you to try!Good luck!

    • We used to have a German Shepard who was absolutely terrified of them!! Unfortunately she is dead now. But to keep her calm we would shut the windows and curtains bring her food and water bowl into the living room shut the living room door, and turn the stereo on. It worked, there was the occasional firework that would distress her and she would begin barking but it was the best thing we could do. (We would make her go do her business outside before the fireworks started)Hope this helps :)