What can be done to reduce this dog's pain (broken nail) until it can be helped?

My dog, a britney, has a cracked nail and seems to be in great pain. I can't cut it myself and can't get it into the vet until tomorrow; I've given her the highest dose of painkiller I can, and she seems to be content standing in snow, but can't stay…

    What can be done to reduce this dog's pain (broken nail) until it can be helped?

    My dog, a britney, has a cracked nail and seems to be in great pain. I can't cut it myself and can't get it into the vet until tomorrow; I've given her the highest dose of painkiller I can, and she seems to be content standing in snow, but can't stay…...
    General Dog Discussions : What can be done to reduce this dog's pain (broken nail) until it can be helped?...

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    • What can be done to reduce this dog's pain (broken nail) until it can be helped?

      What can be done to reduce this dog's pain (broken nail) until it can be helped? General Dog Discussions
      My dog, a britney, has a cracked nail and seems to be in great pain. I can't cut it myself and can't get it into the vet until tomorrow; I've given her the highest dose of painkiller I can, and she seems to be content standing in snow, but can't stay like that all night. What can I do to at least help her sleep?

      What can be done to reduce this dog's pain (broken nail) until it can be helped?

      What can be done to reduce this dog's pain (broken nail) until it can be helped? General Dog Discussions
    • ice and baby teething gel, get to the vet asap, they have to cut it way back, and likely cauterize the quick, because it's going to bleed a lot. Keep the foot DRY.. this means no direct exposure to snow.. SO put a plastic bag over the paw if you want her in the snow, it will keep her foot dry but the cold will go through. Same with ice. Moisture promotes infection, she's got a direct route into her bloodstream now, so don't let it get infected.

    • I would clean it, put antibiotic ointment on it, and wrap it up with vet wrap or gauze. If your dog is likely to pull the gauze/wrap off then I'd cover that in a piece of duct tape. This will keep her from licking it or chewing on it.Since you gave her painkiller, I'd just try to keep her off of it and distract her. Prepare a few kongs with canned dog food frozen in them or banana, plain yogurt, a little cheese, peanut butter, whatever she likes. Or give her a really good brand new chew toy or bone (like a raw knuckle bone) to chew on.