How to trim dogs nails without professional tools?

Should i cut my Samoyed's toenails?How to do that without buying special tools ?

    How to trim dogs nails without professional tools?

    Should i cut my Samoyed's toenails?How to do that without buying special tools ?...
    General Dog Discussions : How to trim dogs nails without professional tools?...

    • How to trim dogs nails without professional tools?

      How to trim dogs nails without professional tools? General Dog Discussions
      Should i cut my Samoyed's toenails?How to do that without buying special tools ?

      How to trim dogs nails without professional tools?

      How to trim dogs nails without professional tools? General Dog Discussions
    • All dogs need their nails trimmed unless they're running on pavement so much that they're wearing them down themselves (and that's really bad for a dog's pasterns and pads). And you do need special tools - you can't a dog's nails without nail clippers made for dogs. Your samoyed isn't a tiny dog, so don't buy cheap nail clippers, you need good ones that will do the job.Since you don't know how to clip nails, your best bet (for your dog's sake) is to take him to the vet the first time and let a vet tech show you how to clip them.

    • You can't. For a large dog you need nail clippers made for large dogs. They are not expensive - best ones cost $10 - $12 & will last you 10 - 20 yr depending on use & care. Since you don't know how, you need to have a groomer or vet tech show you how-to & have quik-stop handy instead you quick a nail.

    • I'm gonna have to disagree with the previous answers that said you need professional tools.. I cut all my Pitbulls claws with a normal human fingernail clipper and it does just as good a job (if not better) than they do at the vet with all their fancy equipment. All you need to do is insert the clipper to where the claw starts pointing downward. SNIP! Done. Be careful not to get the nerve, you should probably be able to see where it ends.