What to do about dog's irritated nail area?

My dog is constantly licking his nails and looks in pain if we touch them. They are red and irritated at the base. We've tried alcohol and ointments. What would be a good remedy for this? Thanks!

    What to do about dog's irritated nail area?

    My dog is constantly licking his nails and looks in pain if we touch them. They are red and irritated at the base. We've tried alcohol and ointments. What would be a good remedy for this? Thanks!...
    General Dog Discussions : What to do about dog's irritated nail area?...

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    • What to do about dog's irritated nail area?

      What to do about dog's irritated nail area? General Dog Discussions
      My dog is constantly licking his nails and looks in pain if we touch them. They are red and irritated at the base. We've tried alcohol and ointments. What would be a good remedy for this? Thanks!

      What to do about dog's irritated nail area?

      What to do about dog's irritated nail area? General Dog Discussions
    • Dogs cannot be tamed without proper knowledge. They have many peculiar ways of showing their discomfort. A healthy dog is liked by one and all. To have a healthy dog one has to patiently handle all its basic necessities. To know the basic necessities, one has to improve their knowledge about dogs.Dogs to be tamed should be taken care of properly. Its nails are also an important part of its body. Trimming of dog’s nails is essential. White nails can be easily trimmed. A dog with black nails cannot be trimmed easily. If one is unable to trim, they have to go to veterinary doctor or to groomers who will do the work efficiently. Nail cutting should be done on a regular basis, or else dogs may refrain from letting one cut their nails.Dogs have long nails. Some dogs do not like their nails trimmed. The nails of a dog should not touch the ground. The noise of nails scratching the floor is a sign for the dogs to undergo nail trimming. There are certain differences in certain dogs. Dogs walking on hard surfaces have a habit of maintaining their nails. Longhaired dog nails should be trimmed very carefully with trimmers. In the same manner hairs at the bottom of the foot should be removed, as it is necessary for them to have a grip on the floor. Soft nail clips can be put to dog’s paws so that it does not hurt human beings skin. Dogs are very sensitive and so to avoid them from getting infected these nails are put on.Dogs are very sensitive and so they get irritated and inflamed very quickly. Utmost care has to be taken to keep it healthy. Healthy can be maintained only with regular attention. Every part of the body has to be taken care of from the puppy stage. A periodical checkup with a veterinary doctor will help one to maintain the fitness of a dog.

    • Don't use alcohol that will make it more irritated. he might have allergies and need a change in diet. try diets that are corn free and don't have gluten. When in doubt a phone call to the vet is free.

    • Wow did he steal that from somebody's overly tacky e-book? Anyway, it might be a nail bed infection which would require anti-biotics which means you're going to have to go see a vet about it. I had a dog with a nasty nailbed infection that wouldn't go away completely, I finally told my vet to remove the entire nail and when he did we found a inch and a half long thorn sitting in there. It was sick and smelled aweful but it healed up nicely after that although his new toenail looked a bit abused when it grew back in!

    • The best thing to do when your animal is in pain for more than 24 hours is to take them to the vet and have them diagnose and treat your animal. That's what they are there for. If you've already tried to help your dog and it didn't work, you should take the dog into the vet. Could be a number of things wrong, ingrown nail, infection in the foot etc.Good Luck!