How to cut mastiff puppy's nails?

I have a 8 week old english mastiff pup-can't see all of the wick to make sure that I don't cut a vain,so should I just have the vet do it?

    How to cut mastiff puppy's nails?

    I have a 8 week old english mastiff pup-can't see all of the wick to make sure that I don't cut a vain,so should I just have the vet do it?...
    General Dog Discussions : How to cut mastiff puppy's nails?...

    • How to cut mastiff puppy's nails?

      How to cut mastiff puppy's nails? General Dog Discussions
      I have a 8 week old english mastiff pup-can't see all of the wick to make sure that I don't cut a vain,so should I just have the vet do it?

      How to cut mastiff puppy's nails?

      How to cut mastiff puppy's nails? General Dog Discussions
    • It's quick, not wick lol. With an 8 week old puppy you have every opportunity to get him used to having his weekly nail clipping session done. Wait until he's comparatively sleepy, during the evening? and lying on his side. Sit with him (or on your lap of course, if he's still small enough!) and play with his legs and feet. Don't have clippers anywhere near yet. Do this, starting with the back legs which seem to always be less stressful, upsetting, to a dog. The moment you get resistence, stop. Once he's comparatively comfortable and showing no stress, gently with the back feet, nick off the tip of his claws, just one and moving on if he's still okay. Again if he resists, stop. It might help to have somebody stroking his head, to divert his attention while you nip round. I'd use human toenail clippers at this point - you will have more control over what's going on until you are more used to doing this, and less likely to catch his quick. The shorter you get the nails early on, the less likely you'll be to catch the quick as it won't grow down unless you allow the nails to get too long (remember to pay special attention to any dew claws he might have as these get forgotten and can grow round into the leg).If he has black nails, you will have more trouble than with the whiter ones, but use them to judge where you cut to, with the black ones.If you are worried about doing this, yes, get your vet to nip round, but frankly he'll need doing every week, which you'll probably not want to be doing with the vet! Hopefully once they are back, and he's being exercised, he should wear them down on the pavement, but this won't happen evenly if his foot isn't touching the ground correctly, which it won't if his nails are allowed to grow too long.Whatever you do, don't let this deterioriate into a fight situation. This will achieve nothing other than stress.

    • I'd take your dog to a groomer and ask them to teach you how to do it (most will). If you can't see the quick once you take off a small piece you can keep taking off small pieces until you see a dot in the bottom of the nail that you just cut off. It's sorta hard to explain on the net, but you can also get a sense by the shape of the nail too. Don't go to the vets - they don't care how they do it they will hold the dog down and make it a horrible experience. Take them to a good groomer - one that will take the time to train them to cut their nails so they aren't scared of the entire process.