Accidentally shut door on puppy's paw and now she seems scared of me?

She is two months old and running playing just fine. She yelped when it happend and that was it.It was a sliding patio door. As I was shutting it I heard my kids fighting so I turned toward them. Should I go to the energency vet?

    Accidentally shut door on puppy's paw and now she seems scared of me?

    She is two months old and running playing just fine. She yelped when it happend and that was it.It was a sliding patio door. As I was shutting it I heard my kids fighting so I turned toward them. Should I go to the energency vet?...
    General Dog Discussions : Accidentally shut door on puppy's paw and now she seems scared of me?...

    • Accidentally shut door on puppy's paw and now she seems scared of me?

      Accidentally shut door on puppy's paw and now she seems scared of me? General Dog Discussions
      She is two months old and running playing just fine. She yelped when it happend and that was it.It was a sliding patio door. As I was shutting it I heard my kids fighting so I turned toward them. Should I go to the energency vet?

      Accidentally shut door on puppy's paw and now she seems scared of me?

      Accidentally shut door on puppy's paw and now she seems scared of me? General Dog Discussions
    • Maybe she is scared of you, but if you're her owner she'll get used to you and figure out you're not a paw slamming monster (at least hopefully you're not).

    • she isn't sure that you didn't do it on purpose. Scoop her up and cuddle her and tell her over and over, aw, poor puppy, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean it...I swear, they can pick up on your emotions and she will forgive you.

    • Your puppy isn't sure wtf happend, she isn't sure if she did something wrong. I wouldn't take it to the vet, unless you see some visible signs of pain/disconfort/broken limb, otherwise you'll just waste your money and they'll probably tell you. I've sat on top of my dog (he's a chihauaha so he's quite small) a couple times by accident, the first time he acted similiar (though he was about a year older) for about an hour or so, I just held him and gave him some love and he was ok. I think because yours is so young she'll take a little bit more time before she forgets about it, but she'll be ok.

    • I did almost the same thing. It was with my closet, She wouldn't come near me and was scared. So after a few days I thought my puppy would never like me again, but I sat down, and talked really sweetly, held out a treat, but didn't look at her, she took the treat, walked away and ate it, then i got another treat and kept doing that and now she has no problems with me, after a while she came by for the treat and would rub against me and play with me, So just get her to trust you again, and she'll forgive you. Good luck =)

    • she will get over in a few hours I would just offer little reassurance by petting her, it is unlikely she actually associates you as being at fault, accidents happen, keep an eye on the paw to make sure she is not favoring it, and no swelling, excessive licking is also a sign of pain.

    • She's young, she'll bounce back. If she has an acute injury, then take her to the vet but otherwise, she may be a little nervous around you or the sliding glass door for a while. Our story....Last year we adopted a dog from our local pound. The handlers at the pound told us that she was not good on a leash and would need some training. When we got her outside, she was absolutely perfect on the leash but she did not like going through a doorway. Once we got her home, we noticed that she had a toenail missing from the outside of her rear paw. It had been completely ripped off but was healed and there was no scab. (It has since grown back) We assume that this is why she was nervous about going through a doorway but with a little practice and gentle encouragement, she is better and almost never hesitates when going through the door. Good Luck