What can I put on a torn toenail on my dog to stop the bleeding?

have heard something about some kitchen remedy ie soda/baking powder maybe?

    What can I put on a torn toenail on my dog to stop the bleeding?

    have heard something about some kitchen remedy ie soda/baking powder maybe?...
    General Dog Discussions : What can I put on a torn toenail on my dog to stop the bleeding?...

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    • What can I put on a torn toenail on my dog to stop the bleeding?

      What can I put on a torn toenail on my dog to stop the bleeding? General Dog Discussions
      have heard something about some kitchen remedy ie soda/baking powder maybe?

      What can I put on a torn toenail on my dog to stop the bleeding?

      What can I put on a torn toenail on my dog to stop the bleeding? General Dog Discussions
    • My vet said corn starch would work if I didn't have any clotting stuff. My dog had a couple of problems with scratching his nails in his bids to escape, but I never had a chance to try it because the bleeding stopped by the time I got to him.

    • if you dont have styptic powder then use plain flour. If its bad or your dog has a blood disorder that affect the ability to clot then they will need to be seen by a vet but otherwise a bit of flour after washing it in a salt and water solution is fine, then tape a sock on to discourage them from licking it and making it worse.