What do veterinarians typically prescribe for a dog that has a yeast infection in its ears?

I have heard this is a common problem and a lot of people use a home remedy of vinegar. How bout an over the counter human cream such as miconizole?Don't worry 'rm'...this isn't a case of someone not kowing. <img src="https://dogencyclopedia.net/FRAMeWORK/wcf/images/smilies/wink.png" alt=";)" /> This is not my dog and the dogs owner is…

    What do veterinarians typically prescribe for a dog that has a yeast infection in its ears?

    I have heard this is a common problem and a lot of people use a home remedy of vinegar. How bout an over the counter human cream such as miconizole?Don't worry 'rm'...this isn't a case of someone not kowing. <img src="https://dogencyclopedia.net/FRAMeWORK/wcf/images/smilies/wink.png" alt=";)" /> This is not my dog and the dogs owner is…...
    General Dog Discussions : What do veterinarians typically prescribe for a dog that has a yeast infection in its ears?...

    • What do veterinarians typically prescribe for a dog that has a yeast infection in its ears?

      What do veterinarians typically prescribe for a dog that has a yeast infection in its ears? General Dog Discussions
      I have heard this is a common problem and a lot of people use a home remedy of vinegar. How bout an over the counter human cream such as miconizole?Don't worry 'rm'...this isn't a case of someone not kowing. ;) This is not my dog and the dogs owner is experienced with this 4 or more times over. A home remedy is suitable here.

      What do veterinarians typically prescribe for a dog that has a yeast infection in its ears?

      What do veterinarians typically prescribe for a dog that has a yeast infection in its ears? General Dog Discussions
    • my vet prescribed an ear drop but i cant think of the name. it's not that expensive. maybe $15.also an ear wash1 cup water1 cup alcohol 1 cup vinegarsquirt a tsp. for large breeds, 1/2 tsp for small breeds into ear and massage for a second, then let them shake. it loosens that crap in their ears, then you can get a cotton ball to clean it out.i use this w/my Catahoula. he gets a yeast at least once a year..he's just prone to it. i love the wash, it really helps clear it up after he's done w/the drops.edit: i also found this site for youhttp://nzymes.com/L_pages/is_it_allergies_or_yeast.htm?gclid=CImlyZeVn5MCFQOIFQodQFP_3g

    • Miconizole would not be a good choice. It would serve better use if the dog had a balding spot on it, then miconizole would be an exellent choice. However if your dog has a yeast infection it would be best to get it checked. You might not know if the dog has other problems, usually yeast is accompanied by something else. In the worst case, hematomas. Which you do not want your dog to go through, so I would advise going to a vet for treatment.

    • No, miconazole is not for use in the ears. First, your vet needs to DIAGNOSE yeast. There can be many more things than just yeast affecting the ears. Dogs can get bacterial infections in the ears. It can also be earmites. Or food allergies. Take the dog to the vet to find out what it is. People who try to save money by treating their animals themselves usually end up with far more expensive vet bills, because they have made the condition far worse than if they had gone to the vet in the first place. I have seen that happen many, many times.

    • My Boston Terrier has had that problem. I went to Tractor Supply and found this ear rinse. It's Kinetic brand Hy-Otic ear rinse with Hyaluronic Acid. I believe it was only fifteen bucks and we still have half a bottle. It works great!

    • If the doctor has diagnosed an actual yeast infection (as opposed to a bacterial infection), the most commonly prescribed medication is Otomax. They will usually give you a chlorhexadine-type wash to use as well.Miconazole is not an acceptable treatment for an aural yeast infection.