Can I give my dog white vinegar instead of apple cider vinegar?

A vet told me that feeding my dog 2tsp of apple cider vinegar is good home remedy for my dogs chronic itching (it's not fleas and we feed her good organic raw dog food). I just wanted to know if I can use white vinegar instead?

    Can I give my dog white vinegar instead of apple cider vinegar?

    A vet told me that feeding my dog 2tsp of apple cider vinegar is good home remedy for my dogs chronic itching (it's not fleas and we feed her good organic raw dog food). I just wanted to know if I can use white vinegar instead?...
    General Dog Discussions : Can I give my dog white vinegar instead of apple cider vinegar?...

    • Can I give my dog white vinegar instead of apple cider vinegar?

      Can I give my dog white vinegar instead of apple cider vinegar? General Dog Discussions
      A vet told me that feeding my dog 2tsp of apple cider vinegar is good home remedy for my dogs chronic itching (it's not fleas and we feed her good organic raw dog food). I just wanted to know if I can use white vinegar instead?

      Can I give my dog white vinegar instead of apple cider vinegar?

      Can I give my dog white vinegar instead of apple cider vinegar? General Dog Discussions
    • no only apple cider vinegar only. white vinegar is a little stronger for them and won't do any good for them. something to do with what's in the apple cider vinegar that will help soothe the itching

    • absolutely not ... and not only that you can not just buy budget grocery store apple cider vinegar ... for it to have any helpful effect it must be raw, unpasteurized, with mothers ... anything else would not be good and white vinegar would be detrimental ... i have had my dog on apple cider vinegar for over a year with really great results ... and i am not sure how big your dog is but 2 tsp seems like a lot unless your dog is really big ...