When your dog has a virus/cough, does he always need an antibiotic to get better?

I didn't get a chance to ask the vet but I know whenever humans get viruses they say we should just tough it out and get better, that taking antibiotics all the time creates super viruses. My vet prescribed an antibiotic and just wondered if he would…

    When your dog has a virus/cough, does he always need an antibiotic to get better?

    I didn't get a chance to ask the vet but I know whenever humans get viruses they say we should just tough it out and get better, that taking antibiotics all the time creates super viruses. My vet prescribed an antibiotic and just wondered if he would…...
    General Dog Discussions : When your dog has a virus/cough, does he always need an antibiotic to get better?...

    • When your dog has a virus/cough, does he always need an antibiotic to get better?

      When your dog has a virus/cough, does he always need an antibiotic to get better? General Dog Discussions
      I didn't get a chance to ask the vet but I know whenever humans get viruses they say we should just tough it out and get better, that taking antibiotics all the time creates super viruses. My vet prescribed an antibiotic and just wondered if he would have gotten better on his own. I declined the cough suppressant due to cost. Any suggestions for homemade cough suppressants? I'm not comfortable giving him human stuff. Thanks!

      When your dog has a virus/cough, does he always need an antibiotic to get better?

      When your dog has a virus/cough, does he always need an antibiotic to get better? General Dog Discussions
    • Antibiotics won't help against viruses. The vet likely prescribed it to decrease the chance of secondary infections. BUT...is that all that he prescribed? Did he actually say that it was a virus? If yes to both questions, then I'd recommend getting another vet.As for homemade cough suppressant, none that I know of. Never good to give human medication without the advice of a vet, either.

    • you know what works, local honey! you mix a tablespoon of honey with a small amount of wet dog or cat food 3 -4 times a day, and the cough will go away. no kidding i dont know if this works on cats, so dont try on cats but i know it works on dogs