Does anyone have a tip for stopping ear infections in Shar pei dogs?

My Shar pei has had several ear infections in a row, mainly the right ear. The vet prescribes antibiotics and steroids and ear drops which clear it up but the infections keep coming back. Help!!!

    Does anyone have a tip for stopping ear infections in Shar pei dogs?

    My Shar pei has had several ear infections in a row, mainly the right ear. The vet prescribes antibiotics and steroids and ear drops which clear it up but the infections keep coming back. Help!!!...
    General Dog Discussions : Does anyone have a tip for stopping ear infections in Shar pei dogs?...

    • Does anyone have a tip for stopping ear infections in Shar pei dogs?

      Does anyone have a tip for stopping ear infections in Shar pei dogs? General Dog Discussions
      My Shar pei has had several ear infections in a row, mainly the right ear. The vet prescribes antibiotics and steroids and ear drops which clear it up but the infections keep coming back. Help!!!

      Does anyone have a tip for stopping ear infections in Shar pei dogs?

      Does anyone have a tip for stopping ear infections in Shar pei dogs? General Dog Discussions
    • I have 4 Shar Peis and have one that has chronic ear infections.The vet says her ear canal is so narrow and air cannot get in it,that's why,moisture and wax stays trapped in there and causes infections..sometimes it's just a yeast infections,and other times it;s bacterial.About the time I give up and think about doing a surgery to prevent this,by opening it up some,she goes a couple months without an infection.Soooooooo..I buy the long q-tips from my vet ($1.00 per pack) and as often as I can,I try to clean them.I have been taught that there is a 90% angle in the base of their ear,so you really cannot go too far in poking in there.It goes in quite a ways too.Have your vet show the the correct way to clean them with a q tip..that also helps open the canal ,even if just for a few minutes.The ol' put the drops in,meds or ear cleanser,and stick the cotton balls in her ear and pull them out just does NOT work with this dog.They get stuck to where the vet has had to do some serious tweezers work to get them out.SO......Q tips it shall be! LOL

    • Years back I had a similar problem with one of my dogs. Even though I cleaned her ears on a regular basis, she still would get ear infections. (Chronic Ear Canker, btw) The vet would prescribe antibiotic ointment (or drops) which helped but the infections always came back. ( It often took a month to clear this up. If you're not sure what the diagnosis is, ask your Vet if it's Canker. (Which is rather normal in ear infections.)Back then, someone who know a lot more then I did told me I should try using a "powder" with the theory that when you use an ointment you are putting something "wet" on top of an infection that needs a dry environment. (made sense to me.) In any case, any time my dogs got an ear infection I would use it and it would clear up in no time, and not creep back. I've never had to take a trip to the Vet for ear problems since then, and I've owned many, many dogs. Try looking for a powder that has an antibiotic in it or that is specifically for Ear Canker. Works like a charm.P.S. After reading the above post from mine, I wanted to add that the first dog I mentioned also had a narrow ear cancel (as did one of my other dogs) so more prone to infections - but the powder solved the problem.