How to treat/get rid of yeast on a dog?

I have 2, three year old dachshund's. One has a very bad smell all the time. The vet said it was yeast and to give her Benadryl for itching and bath her 3 times a week. This is not working. If someone knows how to remedy this, for God's sakes please help…

    How to treat/get rid of yeast on a dog?

    I have 2, three year old dachshund's. One has a very bad smell all the time. The vet said it was yeast and to give her Benadryl for itching and bath her 3 times a week. This is not working. If someone knows how to remedy this, for God's sakes please help…...
    General Dog Discussions : How to treat/get rid of yeast on a dog?...

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    • How to treat/get rid of yeast on a dog?

      How to treat/get rid of yeast on a dog? General Dog Discussions
      I have 2, three year old dachshund's. One has a very bad smell all the time. The vet said it was yeast and to give her Benadryl for itching and bath her 3 times a week. This is not working. If someone knows how to remedy this, for God's sakes please help us. This dog is such a smart, and sweet dog that needs to smell better. She has lost a lot of hair, due to scratching.I have taken her to two vets. One said, change her food and offered some extremely expensive medicine that we could not afford. The second vet gave us some "prescribed" liquid bathing soap and said to give her the benydryl for itching. We have followed both of their suggestions and Lil Bit still has dry skin, most of her hair is gone from her legs and under body and neck area. I just wish there was someone out there that would see this post and give us the answer for relief for her and the odor it causes in our house.

      How to treat/get rid of yeast on a dog?

      How to treat/get rid of yeast on a dog? General Dog Discussions
    • It surprises me that the vet suggested bathing your dog after diagnosing a yeast problem.Bath provides moisture and yeast thrive in moist areas.I would have thought the vet could have provided you with an anti-fungal cream or lotion. Unless he provided you with a wash that helps treat a fungal outbreak?If it were me, I'd probably be going for a second opinion and discussing the possibility of an anti-fungal treatment.Is it all over the skin, or just in specific spots?

    • For your dog's fungal infection I recommend an effective old time remedy - a powder called 'Flowers of Sulfur' (also known as 'brimstone' or 'sublime sulfur'). This substance has been used for thousands of years to cure all kinds of skin ailments including fungal and bacterial infections and if there is itching, it will stop it very quickly. Google it to learn more about its healing properties.Even vets have forgotten about this wonderful and inexpensive remedy but fortunately you can still purchase it at your local pharmacy for very little money. You can also buy it online at of sulfur is safe to apply to your pet's skin but take care not to inhale sulfur powder.You can dust this powder on your dog's skin OR mix it with an oil to rub on the skin. When there is just a small area to cover like in the case of ringworm I prefer the latter.The dusting can easily be accomplished if you use a powdered sugar duster or an empty talcum powder bottle. Separate the hair as you go around dusting to expose the skin until you have covered it.Alternatively, mix 2 tablespoons of flower of sulfur with 1 cup of Jojoba oil and put it in a bottle. Always shake to mix well before applying to the skin as it tends to separate. You do not need to wear gloves as it is not toxic to humans either.