What is the best way to remove ear infection medication from my dog's fur?

My wheaten terrier is 14 weeks old and has yeast infections in both ears. The vet prescribed medication that we put in his ears twice a day, but it's quite oily and now his ears and head look wet and greasy. We can't bathe his head and ears, because…

    What is the best way to remove ear infection medication from my dog's fur?

    My wheaten terrier is 14 weeks old and has yeast infections in both ears. The vet prescribed medication that we put in his ears twice a day, but it's quite oily and now his ears and head look wet and greasy. We can't bathe his head and ears, because…...
    General Dog Discussions : What is the best way to remove ear infection medication from my dog's fur?...

    • What is the best way to remove ear infection medication from my dog's fur?

      What is the best way to remove ear infection medication from my dog's fur? General Dog Discussions
      My wheaten terrier is 14 weeks old and has yeast infections in both ears. The vet prescribed medication that we put in his ears twice a day, but it's quite oily and now his ears and head look wet and greasy. We can't bathe his head and ears, because moisture is the cause of his infections. I've tried my best to wipe it off with a kleenex, but that doesn't seem to make much difference. He also hates getting the medication put in his ears and nothing works to distract him during the application.

      What is the best way to remove ear infection medication from my dog's fur?

      What is the best way to remove ear infection medication from my dog's fur? General Dog Discussions
    • Corn starch rubbed into the coat will absorb some of the oil. Work it in carefully, making sure none falls into the ear canal, and then brush it back out.

    • Can you give him a bath without getting water into the ears? That is my first thought. Second, have you tried baby wipes? I have an idea for you to try with the ear medication. We have a Basset that hates to have his ear meds put in, as well. We, put a towel over his eyes so he doesn't know what to expect. I know people who towel birds, so I decided to try it with our Hound, and it worked!