What is the reason for my little dog reaction to the shot?

Today I woke up worrying about a lump I noticed under my dog's skin. It is about 1.5 inches on the middle top of his back by his shoulderblades. He had a shot last week. Now I'm thinking it could be a reaction to it.

    What is the reason for my little dog reaction to the shot?

    Today I woke up worrying about a lump I noticed under my dog's skin. It is about 1.5 inches on the middle top of his back by his shoulderblades. He had a shot last week. Now I'm thinking it could be a reaction to it....
    General Dog Discussions : What is the reason for my little dog reaction to the shot?...

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    • What is the reason for my little dog reaction to the shot?

      What is the reason for my little dog reaction to the shot? General Dog Discussions
      Today I woke up worrying about a lump I noticed under my dog's skin. It is about 1.5 inches on the middle top of his back by his shoulderblades. He had a shot last week. Now I'm thinking it could be a reaction to it.

      What is the reason for my little dog reaction to the shot?

      What is the reason for my little dog reaction to the shot? General Dog Discussions
    • I could very well be, especially if it was his second vaccination for anything. This is something you should notify your vet about. If it's a lump with no sore or missing hair, you probably don't need to visit again, but your vet will need to know this happened before you give him any future vaccinations. Vets usually put different injections in different locations so they can easily identify the cause of an allergic reaction when it happens. By notifying him now, you give the vet the chance to make notes in his chart so he'll remember that this particular vaccine may be problematic for next year.Be sure to remind him and bring this up for discussion the next time you vaccinate him. You and your vet might decide to try again with a different formulation, or might decide that particular vaccination is one he can do without.