My dog is eating grass and his mouth is bright red with red scratches on his belly. He is normally a inside do?

My dog is eating grass and his mouth is bright red with red scratches on his belly. He is normally a inside dog but we went out to the woods for the weekend. Please help! I already gave him benadreyl.

    My dog is eating grass and his mouth is bright red with red scratches on his belly. He is normally a inside do?

    My dog is eating grass and his mouth is bright red with red scratches on his belly. He is normally a inside dog but we went out to the woods for the weekend. Please help! I already gave him benadreyl....
    General Dog Discussions : My dog is eating grass and his mouth is bright red with red scratches on his belly. He is normally a inside do?...

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    • My dog is eating grass and his mouth is bright red with red scratches on his belly. He is normally a inside do?

      My dog is eating grass and his mouth is bright red with red scratches on his belly. He is normally a inside do? General Dog Discussions
      My dog is eating grass and his mouth is bright red with red scratches on his belly. He is normally a inside dog but we went out to the woods for the weekend. Please help! I already gave him benadreyl.

      My dog is eating grass and his mouth is bright red with red scratches on his belly. He is normally a inside do?

      My dog is eating grass and his mouth is bright red with red scratches on his belly. He is normally a inside do? General Dog Discussions
    • If the benadryl isn't having effect, and considering the red mouth and belly, it could be more serious than a minor allergic the least, call your local vet (or emergency vet since it's the weekend) and describe the symptoms to them...they can advise you on whether or not it sounds like the dog needs to be brought in for treatment...