What can I do to stop my dog from whining all the time?

Hello all,I have a Siberian Husky, he is a little over a year old, I've had him since he was a 2 months. He is an amazing dog, very smart, gets tricks right away and knows a ton of them. The only issue I experience with him is that he WHINES constantly.…

    What can I do to stop my dog from whining all the time?

    Hello all,I have a Siberian Husky, he is a little over a year old, I've had him since he was a 2 months. He is an amazing dog, very smart, gets tricks right away and knows a ton of them. The only issue I experience with him is that he WHINES constantly.…...
    General Dog Discussions : What can I do to stop my dog from whining all the time?...

    • What can I do to stop my dog from whining all the time?

      What can I do to stop my dog from whining all the time? General Dog Discussions
      Hello all,I have a Siberian Husky, he is a little over a year old, I've had him since he was a 2 months. He is an amazing dog, very smart, gets tricks right away and knows a ton of them. The only issue I experience with him is that he WHINES constantly. He's been to the vet and is healthy, he plays, eats, sleeps, and I run him minimum of 2 miles daily and 5 on the weekends. He has undergone akc accredited obedience school and the trainers suggested squirting him in the mouth with bitter spray when he whines. He would whine through training non stop, and not a whimper or quiet whine, a whine that can be heard across the park. He seems very anxious and the only way to get him to stop crying is to keep moving, as long as he's doing something he won't whine but the moment we come to a stop or a red light or anything it starts up again. I've tried not to encourage this by having him sit stay and not moving until he stops whining but it takes us literally almost an hour just to move, and when a dog is in the vicinity its even worse. He like dogs just is very hyper and vocal when it comes to contact. He is in urban sledding and I have introduced him to a few dogs in the pack that he plays with in order to make other dogs seem like less of an oddity when he comes in contact with them. Even this hasn't helped, he can be playing fine with a few dogs and as soon as another dog comes into sight he will start his whining and cry-barking for the other dogs. I just don't know what else to do, he's a great dog but we have started avoiding dog parks, and pretty much taking him to public places other than out for runs and lonely parks, due to the annoying loud consistent whining. I would love nothing more than to take him everywhere with me but with his current behavior it has become impossible. Any recommendations will be greatly appreciated, I have been thinking of possibly consulting with his vet for anxiety medication but want to try all the non medicine ways first. Thanks again, it's much appreciated!

      What can I do to stop my dog from whining all the time?

      What can I do to stop my dog from whining all the time? General Dog Discussions
    • There are various non-drug preparations to help cope with this kind of noise. KalmAid is something I found here in the UK and proved very helpful with my Basset's recent surgery which he wasn't tolerating at all well. Rescue Remedy in the water can help on a temporary basis, and KalmAid is really meant for specific problems, fireworks etc. so for long term, I'm not so sure. It might help calm him down so you can work on the socialising without getting worked up yourself. I appreciate keeping him away from where he might do this, but it's really not dealing with his issues. If his noise is anything like a GSD doing this, you have my sympathies although I think this kind of breed can be like this. He's only one yet, and he may settle down by the time he's 3!!! If you last so long.ps Skullcap and Valerian might be worth considering using. This is a natural calmer too.