Would there be a medical reason a dog is way overweight?

A friends dog is obese. She doesn't over feed him and he doesn't get table scraps. She's taken the dog to the vet and the vet says he's fine. He can't be fine, he's huge! The weight is gonna kill him.He actually waddles when he walks. He's only 5 years…

    Would there be a medical reason a dog is way overweight?

    A friends dog is obese. She doesn't over feed him and he doesn't get table scraps. She's taken the dog to the vet and the vet says he's fine. He can't be fine, he's huge! The weight is gonna kill him.He actually waddles when he walks. He's only 5 years…...
    General Dog Discussions : Would there be a medical reason a dog is way overweight?...

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    • Would there be a medical reason a dog is way overweight?

      Would there be a medical reason a dog is way overweight? General Dog Discussions
      A friends dog is obese. She doesn't over feed him and he doesn't get table scraps. She's taken the dog to the vet and the vet says he's fine. He can't be fine, he's huge! The weight is gonna kill him.He actually waddles when he walks. He's only 5 years old.The dog is a begal.And weighs more then 50 lbs!

      Would there be a medical reason a dog is way overweight?

      Would there be a medical reason a dog is way overweight? General Dog Discussions
    • Just like in humans, his obesity can be caused by a thyroid problem or a slow metabolism. If the dog's weight is really an issue, the vet should be much more concerned. My dog is about 5 lbs overweight, and my vet gave me a huge lecture about canine nutrition and exercise.

    • If he is that big, find a different vet.Some dogs can have thyroid conditions (much like humans) that cause weight gain/loss.Certain medications can cause weight gain (steroids mainly).Some breeds are just naturally heavier than others and most gain weight as seniors. You neglected to mention how old the dog is or the breed.

    • Thyroid might need tested. How much exercise does the dog get, and cut back on the food, or get a better quality food. No treats. Cut the food in half if you have to, the dog will not starve. And get the thyroid tested.

    • What sort of dog is he and then go on the dogs breeders website and check their weight, all dog food is different and like us our metabalisms are different we had a dog who was large but lived to 14 and he wasnt greedy, we had another who was epiletic and the drugs made her bigger..if your concerned get your friend to have blood tests at vets or try changing to a low dry dog food... like science hills.

    • has the vet checked his thyroid. There are diseases that will make dogs fat just like they do people. I this dog is that over weight and the vet says he's fine I'd take him to another vet. There are diet dog foods that she can give him also.

    • It may be an allergic response. Take him off all that disgusting commercial kibble and feed raw.The ideal diet should consist of approximately 80% raw meat, 10% raw edible bone, 5% raw liver, 5% other raw organs, the occasional egg, shell and all, raw. NO veggies, NO fruit. Dogs cannot digest vegetables or fruits; they lack the enzyme necessary to break down cellulose. NO dairy; dogs are lactose intolerant. NO supplements other than a spoonful of deepsea fish body oil for the Omega-3 that corn-finished meat does not contain.

    • My neighbor's dog is obese. She does not eat a lot of dog food, NOR human food. She eats tons of dog treats and she is an inactive dog.Is your friend's dog inactive or eat lots of treats? If not, and the vet said the dog is fine, then leave it alone. I am sure that the vet did a full blood panel on the dog. If he did not, have your friend take the dog to a second vet and get a blood panel done. Otherwise, leave the dog's weight between the dog, your friend and the vet.Good luck!

    • does he get to go out a lot & run freeely...My elderly neighbor would keep her dogs in all the time. I think they were beagles. About once a year she would end up getting rushed to the hospital for something so my husband & I would go over while she was in the hospital & clean up all the poop & pee. & clean up the house. We would put her little angels out in the yard. She would call & ask how they were. Well, the truth is they were happier than ever. They felt so much better running outside. I would tell people about them & say they looked like pigs. I meant that the body shape was like a pig. They would actually lose weight while she was in the hospital. So if your freind doesn't have a yard she might need to get the dog out more.

    • Beagles are notorious for getting obese. It can be caused by thyroid disfunction, to a lesser extent cushing's disease, and possibly there are other metabolic problems occuring in the breed...not sure on that.With hypothyroidism and cushings, the dog's appetite is 'enhanced', causing them to over eat, always hungry, and to eat stuff they might not otherwise touch. Thyroid issues are inexpensive and fairly easy to treat - cushing's is tougher, and quite expensive.Add:: You're right, the vet isn't looking out for this dog. Tell her to find a new one. 50 lbs for a beagle is insane and he's going to have all kinds of problems that will shorten his life if she doesn't act on this.