My dog has red bumps what can i do?

My dog has red bumps on his private area and dry flaky skin around his body. His one ear is red and has wax in it.

    My dog has red bumps what can i do?

    My dog has red bumps on his private area and dry flaky skin around his body. His one ear is red and has wax in it....
    General Dog Discussions : My dog has red bumps what can i do?...

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    • My dog has red bumps what can i do?

      My dog has red bumps what can i do? General Dog Discussions
      My dog has red bumps on his private area and dry flaky skin around his body. His one ear is red and has wax in it.

      My dog has red bumps what can i do?

      My dog has red bumps what can i do? General Dog Discussions
    • Give him a bath with dog shampoo that has oatmeal. His ear is red and has wax possibly from scratching with dirty feet. It can be caused by active bacterial or fungal infection (Otitis). He could have a yeast infection. If his ear smells foul and it's runny then it's most likely yeast. Clean all his bedding in the wash. Wash the floors clean. Maybe even hose down the yard. He could have Staphylococci (‘Staph bacteria’) that causes dry itchy skin with red bumps or sores. Or Contact Dermatitis. It's hard to diagnose over the internet in words alone.Most importantly take him to the Vet have him looked at by a trained professional. His ear is stressing him out and weakening him. It wont go away on it's own. TAKE HIM TO THE VET... He is dependent on you to provide and take care of him. Another thing I have seen lately is the dog food uses corn as the main ingredient. Almost all of them now. I am almost certain they use Round Up Ready Genetically Modified Corn. That is a serious health risk to any living organism. Many dogs develop allergic reaction to it and it manifests itself in many ways. It weakens their immune systems, leaving them susceptible to infection. They also use Corn silage left over from the fermentation process in Alcohol production. In my opinion and that is not good but many disagree Another thing to keep in mind - that this is summer time and dogs like to lay in the grass on their bellies with legs stretched out to keep cool. It could be from the picky grass or even laying on pickers...Dogs don't seem to care just as long as it's cool. Please bear in mind I am NOT a Vet nor do I play one on TV.Take him to the VET soon please. Your dog will thank you...It's most probably an infection, either bacterial or fungal.