How do i get rid of my dog's acne?

My 5 year old doberman has red bumps that look like acne on his chin and i can't quite seem to get them to go away. i've read a plastic bowl can be the cause, but he's eaten out of stainless steel bowls his entire life. any suggestions?

    How do i get rid of my dog's acne?

    My 5 year old doberman has red bumps that look like acne on his chin and i can't quite seem to get them to go away. i've read a plastic bowl can be the cause, but he's eaten out of stainless steel bowls his entire life. any suggestions?...
    General Dog Discussions : How do i get rid of my dog's acne?...

    • How do i get rid of my dog's acne?

      How do i get rid of my dog's acne? General Dog Discussions
      My 5 year old doberman has red bumps that look like acne on his chin and i can't quite seem to get them to go away. i've read a plastic bowl can be the cause, but he's eaten out of stainless steel bowls his entire life. any suggestions?

      How do i get rid of my dog's acne?

      How do i get rid of my dog's acne? General Dog Discussions
    • If you take him to the vet he/she will give you something to bath him with and something to put on them. My mom's Doberman had acne and the vet gave her bath stuff and told her to buy one of them ruff hand rags (whatever they are called) and scrub it then place this other medication on it. That was the only thing that worked for her Doberman. Good Luck.Sorry i can't remember the name of the stuff that he gave her. Even so i think that you would have to go to the vet to get it.