What are some homemade ways to get rid of fleas?

My dog has become infested with fleas no matter how many times i give it a flea bath. I got a spray to use on bedding's and things and that hasn't helped either. can anyone tell me easy inexpensive ways to get rid of them? I'm pretty sure he has…

    What are some homemade ways to get rid of fleas?

    My dog has become infested with fleas no matter how many times i give it a flea bath. I got a spray to use on bedding's and things and that hasn't helped either. can anyone tell me easy inexpensive ways to get rid of them? I'm pretty sure he has…...
    General Dog Discussions : What are some homemade ways to get rid of fleas?...

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    • What are some homemade ways to get rid of fleas?

      What are some homemade ways to get rid of fleas? General Dog Discussions
      My dog has become infested with fleas no matter how many times i give it a flea bath. I got a spray to use on bedding's and things and that hasn't helped either. can anyone tell me easy inexpensive ways to get rid of them? I'm pretty sure he has allergies too and he has sores on his back from biting himself.

      What are some homemade ways to get rid of fleas?

      What are some homemade ways to get rid of fleas? General Dog Discussions
    • take the dog to the vet! How would you like to be eaten alive? You can buy from the vet or internet flea topical solution to put on the poor dog. I think you need to clean all areas of the house and have it sprayed to get rid of the fleas. A homemade solution is dawn dishwashing liquid and wash the poor dog in that. Use a flea comb to get rid of the dead and extra fleas. But you need to take the poor dog to the vet and get it treated for the sores and other flea bites.

    • The ONLY way you will keep your dog flea free is to put a good name brand flea preventative on him - either Advantage or Fronltine -- no "homemade" remedy works, as you must realize by now.Sounds as if your poor dog has flea dermatitis badly - one flea can trigger that - you need to spend the money to get him what he needs, Frontline or Advantage every single month.Wash his bedding, vacuum the rugs and safas, throw out the bag. Keep your house flea free.If your dog is infested badly, get him to the vet for a pill, Capstar, that gets ALL fleas off within an hour, then give him a bath (normal shampoo to get rid of dead fleas) and apply Frontline or Advantix.Flea baths, collars, sprays, etc. only get rid of a few adult fleas, eggs and larvae hatch and your poor dog is infested again. Go get him what works from a pet store, Walmart, whatever --- just make sure it is a NAME BRAND decent preventative, no harz or biospot -- that stuff can harm your dog and doesn't work either.To prevent fleas and ticks, use Frontline Plus or Advantix.Get going -- how can you let your dog suffer like this. I adopted a dog that has flea dermatitis, she was a mess when I got her, bit herself, had sores, missing fur.She hasn't had a flea in 6 years and is glossy and healthy now --- she gets Advantix put on every single month.