Why does my dog smell again only after 2-3 days?

My dog has never smelled as much and as often as he has lately. I will bathe my dog very well, but then after a couple days he smells bad again. It's coming from his skin, also he does seem to be scratching more around the genitals. But you know how a…

    Why does my dog smell again only after 2-3 days?

    My dog has never smelled as much and as often as he has lately. I will bathe my dog very well, but then after a couple days he smells bad again. It's coming from his skin, also he does seem to be scratching more around the genitals. But you know how a…...
    General Dog Discussions : Why does my dog smell again only after 2-3 days?...

    • Why does my dog smell again only after 2-3 days?

      Why does my dog smell again only after 2-3 days? General Dog Discussions
      My dog has never smelled as much and as often as he has lately. I will bathe my dog very well, but then after a couple days he smells bad again. It's coming from his skin, also he does seem to be scratching more around the genitals. But you know how a dog smells when they haven't been bathed in a while .. well this is what my dog smells like again right away. I feel bad because I don't really touch him anymore or want him by me. He has a good diet and I feed him very high quality foods and dog treats for his gums and teeth. I miss having him next to me. Just wondering if anyone has ever had this problem. Kody is a shitzu.

      Why does my dog smell again only after 2-3 days?

      Why does my dog smell again only after 2-3 days? General Dog Discussions
    • You will need to make sure his coat is completely dry after bathe, you can use hair dryer on low heat and dry him after a bathe. Also make sure he doesn't play in the rain, if so you will need to bathe him again. Is he on any flea control prevention like frontline plus? Medical problems can also cause this so you might consider take him to a vet and ask.

    • You can give them a waterless bath with baking soda ( not baking powder) to control odor. You sprinkle the baking soda over his coat and then brush their coat. Or when you give him a bath mix two tbls of baking soda in a cup of water and pour it on the coat after the shampoo.The scratching in that area could be from fleas. If you suspect he is scratch because of a different problem than the fleas dont use the baking soda go to the vet.