How can I stop my dog from constantly licking her crotch?

It's almost as if she has OCD. She will lick herself for hours if I don't tell her to stop.

    How can I stop my dog from constantly licking her crotch?

    It's almost as if she has OCD. She will lick herself for hours if I don't tell her to stop....
    General Dog Discussions : How can I stop my dog from constantly licking her crotch?...

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    • How can I stop my dog from constantly licking her crotch?

      How can I stop my dog from constantly licking her crotch? General Dog Discussions
      It's almost as if she has OCD. She will lick herself for hours if I don't tell her to stop.

      How can I stop my dog from constantly licking her crotch?

      How can I stop my dog from constantly licking her crotch? General Dog Discussions
    • She is keeping herself clean, is she is she in season? If she is quit telling her to stop or put a doggie diaper on her so that it doesn't get on your furniture, floors, all over your house.

    • You may want to make a trip to the vet. Could be a clogged anal gland or a bacterial or yeast infection. I have a female lab that did that and it was a yeast infection once medicated the licking stopped. But do see your vet the dog has an irritation that sounds kind of bad, check her ears for a rash, it shows up there too and can be a tell tale sign of an infection.

    • Have you ever thought that she may have a good reason? She may have an infection you don't know about or a rash that bothers her. Inspect the area closely. When dogs pay extra attention to any part of their body for apparently no reason, there can often be a reason after all.

    • Well, are u bathing her regularly....that may be the problem, also when female dogs start their menstrual cycle they may like down there often. She might have an infection that hurts down there. But if none of these reasons explain her licking down in that area you can try spraying her with a water bottle every time she licks down there and follow with a stern NO. Or try putting pennies in an empty can and rattle that every time she licks down there and also follow up with a stern NO ( the sound of the pennies in a can is like nails on a chalk board to dogs). With any training you have to be consistent. But licking down in that area might be a hard habit to break....

    • You can't. Dogs don't have toilet paper you know, lol! But you may be able to curb it especailly when you have company over with some formal training. Did you dog just have surgery or get groomed? Has she gone into heat? She may be about to. It could be an itchy feeling as a result of all these. If she does it constantly a vet trip would definately be in order. Good Luck! :)

    • It depends how long its been going on? She may be coming in heat and this is natural when dogs come in season. If its an all the time thing buy some liquid bitter apple and spray lightly around the area, she will soon break herself from the problem. Good Luck!!

    • If she isn't in heat and doesn't have a yeast infection, then yes she may have a behavioral disorder like OCD, dogs do get that too and can be treated with meds like doggie prozac or other things. You can also try something like bitter apple, ask your vet to sell you this or whatever they use to spray on the bandages and splints for dogs to keep them from licking or pulling them off. This tastes extremely gross and bitter and should stop her from licking, but please check with the vet to be sure that she doesn't have a medical problem first. If it's mental use the bitter apple spray.