My dog has a red irritated eye what can I do to relieve it?

She got into something really sticky outside and its all over her chest ,chin and side of her face. Im pretty positive its tree/plant sap. How do I get it off ? She got some around one of her eyes and now her eye is all red and irritated. What can I do?

    My dog has a red irritated eye what can I do to relieve it?

    She got into something really sticky outside and its all over her chest ,chin and side of her face. Im pretty positive its tree/plant sap. How do I get it off ? She got some around one of her eyes and now her eye is all red and irritated. What can I do?...
    General Dog Discussions : My dog has a red irritated eye what can I do to relieve it?...

    • My dog has a red irritated eye what can I do to relieve it?

      My dog has a red irritated eye what can I do to relieve it? General Dog Discussions
      She got into something really sticky outside and its all over her chest ,chin and side of her face. Im pretty positive its tree/plant sap. How do I get it off ? She got some around one of her eyes and now her eye is all red and irritated. What can I do?

      My dog has a red irritated eye what can I do to relieve it?

      My dog has a red irritated eye what can I do to relieve it? General Dog Discussions
    • They make a product to remove gum from children's hair that is citric based and would work for removing the sap from the fur, just wash and rinse well after. This can be bought at Walgreen's, Walmart, grocery stores, etc. For the eye, try flushing with saline solution - sold with the human contact lens products.