How many times do I give my dog his shots in one year?

So, I already took my dog to the vet to get his shots and they charged me $85 bucks for 2 vaccines! I saw that my feed and seed store sells them for $15 and you can do it yourself at home. I'm getting the rattlesnake one and all i need to know is how…

    How many times do I give my dog his shots in one year?

    So, I already took my dog to the vet to get his shots and they charged me $85 bucks for 2 vaccines! I saw that my feed and seed store sells them for $15 and you can do it yourself at home. I'm getting the rattlesnake one and all i need to know is how…...
    General Dog Discussions : How many times do I give my dog his shots in one year?...

    • How many times do I give my dog his shots in one year?

      How many times do I give my dog his shots in one year? General Dog Discussions
      So, I already took my dog to the vet to get his shots and they charged me $85 bucks for 2 vaccines! I saw that my feed and seed store sells them for $15 and you can do it yourself at home. I'm getting the rattlesnake one and all i need to know is how many times do i do it in one year? :)

      How many times do I give my dog his shots in one year?

      How many times do I give my dog his shots in one year? General Dog Discussions
    • to my knowledge most shots are given once a year. I'm not sure but I believe rabies is now every 3 years ask the person at the feed store . I don't know anything about giving a dog a rattlesnake shot so I'd ask my Vet.

    • Dogs only need their vaccinations once every three years. I do take my dogs in annually for an exam, bloodwork, and to have a stool sample analyzed. I have my vet do the vaccinations. If there is a reaction to them, they are already at the vet's office, and can be treated.

    • There is no one answer for this question, but a few basic rules apply. A minimum of two multivalent vaccinations (including distemper and parvo) given three to four weeks apart are required for every dog or puppy over three months old. An additional vaccination against rabies is also necessary. Vaccinations against coronavirus, Bordatella, or Lyme disease are based on owner's needs and veterinarian's advice.For young puppies, vaccinations usually start at six-to-eight weeks of age and are given every three-to-four weeks until the puppy is 16 weeks of age. Recent information regarding parvovirus may extend this recommendation to 18 or even 20 weeks, especially for Dobes and Rottweilers.It is best to have a vet administer these ONCE a year to an adult dog. If you mess up vaccinating it is going to cost you much more in vet bills. Please be a responsible pet owner and chalk up the $85 a year.