My dog is constipated what do i do?

I lately bought a dog and she is constipated, i read in an article that it is good to give them fresh veggies, but the article didn't give any details. As in fresh veggies, did they mean raw or cooked veggies? Which one? Help?

    My dog is constipated what do i do?

    I lately bought a dog and she is constipated, i read in an article that it is good to give them fresh veggies, but the article didn't give any details. As in fresh veggies, did they mean raw or cooked veggies? Which one? Help?...
    General Dog Discussions : My dog is constipated what do i do?...

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    • My dog is constipated what do i do?

      My dog is constipated what do i do? General Dog Discussions
      I lately bought a dog and she is constipated, i read in an article that it is good to give them fresh veggies, but the article didn't give any details. As in fresh veggies, did they mean raw or cooked veggies? Which one? Help?

      My dog is constipated what do i do?

      My dog is constipated what do i do? General Dog Discussions
    • A raw carrot ,slices of apple, not a whole one, core it, you can add cooked string beans or carrots to kibble, make sure you wash everthing, no grapes/rasins, if your dog is really constipated you should call the Vet, she could have a blockage and that can be fatal, and giving her veggies can just make the problem worse, when you got your dog and brought her to the Vet for her exam & shots you should have asked how to care for a dog ,if you didn't have one before, and knew you needed some help.

    • Try adding a little bran to her diet. Contact a vet for expert advice. Until then check out this site: