How should I care for my Savannah Monitor?

I have a 9 month old Savannah Monitor and I don't know how to care for him.? Please tell me all about them, what temperature to keep them at, what bedding and how deep, what humidity, how big a cage, and what to feed him. please help me! Also, his mouth…

    How should I care for my Savannah Monitor?

    I have a 9 month old Savannah Monitor and I don't know how to care for him.? Please tell me all about them, what temperature to keep them at, what bedding and how deep, what humidity, how big a cage, and what to feed him. please help me! Also, his mouth…...
    General Dog Discussions : How should I care for my Savannah Monitor?...

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    • How should I care for my Savannah Monitor?

      How should I care for my Savannah Monitor? General Dog Discussions
      I have a 9 month old Savannah Monitor and I don't know how to care for him.? Please tell me all about them, what temperature to keep them at, what bedding and how deep, what humidity, how big a cage, and what to feed him. please help me! Also, his mouth has like moucus in it? He wheezes a bit, what is that? Thank You!DakotaOh and can I feed him dog/cat food or canned Monitor food? I heard that was good stuff too.Hello? Anyone?

      How should I care for my Savannah Monitor?

      How should I care for my Savannah Monitor? General Dog Discussions
    • I don't have one but I can give you a little basic info, I suggest looking at the following links which are care sheets for your sav. know they can get to be about 6 feet with tail and need a huge tank of like 4x8 feet. As for dog/cat food my VET told me for my montior (a yellow monitor) that if you are going to feed them canned food choose cat food over dog food and don't feed more than half a small can at a time like once a week.

    • Once again lizardmom, don't give info on an animal unless you absolutly know your right. Canned food whether cat or dog will eventually kill you monitor because of all the fats in it. Savannah moniotors don't get anywhere close to 6 feet even with the tail, the largest ever recorded was 5ft and that was in the wild. The cage size needed isn't 4'x8' thats way way way to small, the smallest you should ever go is 6'x3'x3' and thats for a male, for a female the smallest you should ever go in 8'x4'x4'. Lizard mom, if your feeding your monitor canned cat food you slowly killing it, your monitor should only eat insects and whole prey items. Since all you had to say was wrongful info on monitors, the wheezing is a good sign for RI, crank the heat up. Reptiles don't get a fever like we do so we have to give them one by raising their temps. Since the average basking for a sav is 135, I would suggest 150-160. Bedding should be a 50/50 mixture of soil/sand. Humidity should be 60%. Do about 2 ft of bedding. Something that the sav's also really like is dried leaves over their bedding. It's great. Lizardmom, you should def do some more research on your reptiles. You beardie is in way to low of temps. Your vet is obviously stupid if he recommends cat food or dog food period! I work for an exotics vet and work with the monitors at the zoo, neither would recommend that crap. The stuff isn't even good for a dog or cat, why would I feed it to my reptile?