is it possible for a puppy to have parvo without running a temperature?

My 8 week retriever is still sick and is being tested for Parvo and other viruses, but he doesn't have a temperature, he has had the vomiting and other thins but no temperature?he has been in the vet since monday, stomach scans show nothing, he only had…

    is it possible for a puppy to have parvo without running a temperature?

    My 8 week retriever is still sick and is being tested for Parvo and other viruses, but he doesn't have a temperature, he has had the vomiting and other thins but no temperature?he has been in the vet since monday, stomach scans show nothing, he only had…...
    General Dog Discussions : is it possible for a puppy to have parvo without running a temperature?...

    • is it possible for a puppy to have parvo without running a temperature?

      is it possible for a puppy to have parvo without running a temperature? General Dog Discussions
      My 8 week retriever is still sick and is being tested for Parvo and other viruses, but he doesn't have a temperature, he has had the vomiting and other thins but no temperature?he has been in the vet since monday, stomach scans show nothing, he only had a temperature on saturday and this was gone by sunday, but he has been sick now for a week, parasites have also been ruled out, any other ideas what we should be getting him checked for?

      is it possible for a puppy to have parvo without running a temperature?

      is it possible for a puppy to have parvo without running a temperature? General Dog Discussions
    • It is possible, though uncommon. A very common symptom of Parvo is bloody diarrhea, which may have an acrid smell. I hope the test results come back soon! Parvo needs to be treated immediately if there's going to be a good chance of survival!