What diseases can pets transmit to humans?

Im talking about animals that people usually have in their home like cats,dogs and birds. What diseases can they transmit? I heard that cats can infect humans with Salmonella but I am not sure.What are the safest pets?

    What diseases can pets transmit to humans?

    Im talking about animals that people usually have in their home like cats,dogs and birds. What diseases can they transmit? I heard that cats can infect humans with Salmonella but I am not sure.What are the safest pets?...
    General Dog Discussions : What diseases can pets transmit to humans?...

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    • What diseases can pets transmit to humans?

      What diseases can pets transmit to humans? General Dog Discussions
      Im talking about animals that people usually have in their home like cats,dogs and birds. What diseases can they transmit? I heard that cats can infect humans with Salmonella but I am not sure.What are the safest pets?

      What diseases can pets transmit to humans?

      What diseases can pets transmit to humans? General Dog Discussions
    • Dogs and cats can transfer worms, birds if infected can transfer psittacosis as well as salmonella. Reptiles are getting more common and they can spread salmonella or ecoli. Safest pet is probably a fish.

    • along with worms, dogs and cats can transfer rabies, ringworms, sarcoptic mites (known as scabies in people), and hemobart (one common form of this being "cat scratch fever"or "cat scratch disease", cats cannot give you salmonella, however, a pregnant woman must use caution when changing out a litter box. as long as you have healthy, vet-checked pets that stay on parasite prevention you are pretty safe. remember that to transfer a disease, your pet has to be ill with it first.